"Solanidine" is a word in ENGLISH

solanidine ENGLISH

An alkaloid produced by the decomposition of solanine,
as a white crystalline substance having a harsh bitter taste.

Few words of positivity

He had you in his room?" A dark cloud crosses Jeb’s face. “Do you swear he didn’t try anything?”“Scout’s honor.”He squeezes my waist, tickling me. “Too bad you were never a Scout.”I squirm and smile. “Nothing happened.”That’s a lie. Morpheus got to me in a big way, showing me a side of myself I can hardly believe exists—one I’m not sure Jeb will be able to accept.

A.G. Howard, Splintered

Laugh your heart out.

What do you do if King Kong sits in front of you at the cinema? Miss most of the film!

aconitine ENGLISH

An intensely poisonous alkaloid, extracted from aconite.

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alkaloid ENGLISH

An organic base, especially one of a class of substances occurring ready formed in the tissues of plants and the …

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alkaloid ENGLISH

Alt. of Alkaloidal

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alkaloidal ENGLISH

Pertaining to, resembling, or containing, alkali.

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antipyrine ENGLISH

An artificial alkaloid, believed to be efficient in abating fever.

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apomorphine ENGLISH

A crystalline alkaloid obtained from morphia. It is a powerful emetic.

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aricine ENGLISH

An alkaloid, first found in white cinchona bark.

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arnicine ENGLISH

An alkaloid obtained from the arnica plant.

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atropine ENGLISH

A poisonous, white, crystallizable alkaloid, extracted from the Atropa belladonna, or deadly nightshade, and the Datura Stramonium, or thorn apple. …

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bebirine ENGLISH

An alkaloid got from the bark of the bebeeru, or green heart of Guiana (Nectandra Rodioei). It is a tonic, …

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belladonna ENGLISH

An herbaceous European plant (Atropa belladonna) with reddish bell-shaped flowers and shining black berries. The whole plant and its fruit …

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berberine ENGLISH

An alkaloid obtained, as a bitter, yellow substance, from the root of the barberry, gold thread, and other plants.

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brucine ENGLISH

A powerful vegetable alkaloid, found, associated with strychnine, in the seeds of different species of Strychnos, especially in the Nux …

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buxine ENGLISH

An alkaloid obtained from the Buxus sempervirens, or common box tree. It is identical with bebeerine; -- called also buxina.

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caffeine ENGLISH

A white, bitter, crystallizable substance, obtained from coffee. It is identical with the alkaloid theine from tea leaves, and with …

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calabarine ENGLISH

An alkaloid resembling physostigmine and occurring with it in the calabar bean.

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capsicine ENGLISH

A volatile alkaloid extracted from Capsicum annuum or from capsicin.

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chelerythrine ENGLISH

An alkaloidal principle obtained from the celandine, and named from the red color of its salts. It is a colorless …

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cinchona ENGLISH

The bark of any species of Cinchona containing three per cent. or more of bitter febrifuge alkaloids; Peruvian bark; Jesuits' …

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cinchonidine ENGLISH

One of the quinine group of alkaloids, found especially in red cinchona bark. It is a white crystalline substance, C19H22N2O, …

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