"Snowed" is a word in ENGLISH

snowed ENGLISH

of Snow

Few words of positivity

There is no reason to look back, when there is so much good in front of you. Always keep moving forward on your roads of life!

Timothy Pina, Bullying Ben: How Benjamin Franklin Overcame Bullying

Laugh your heart out.

A boy from France comes to America. He wants to learn some new words so he goes to the airport and learns "take off." Then he learnes "zebra" from the zoo and "baby" from the hospital. Then he goes home and says, ''Mommy, I learned new words today.'' She says, "Great, honey what did you learn?" He says, ''Takeoffzebrababy!''

alight ENGLISH

To descend and settle, lodge, rest, or stop; as, a flying bird alights on a tree; snow alights on a …

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alpine ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the Alps, or to any lofty mountain; as, Alpine snows; Alpine plants.

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A piece of leather, or other material, to be spread before a person riding on an outside seat of a …

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atmidometer ENGLISH

An instrument for measuring the evaporation from water, ice, or snow.

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avalanche ENGLISH

A large mass or body of snow and ice sliding swiftly down a mountain side, or falling down a precipice.

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avalanche ENGLISH

A fall of earth, rocks, etc., similar to that of an avalanche of snow or ice.

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Any round or roundish body or mass; a sphere or globe; as, a ball of twine; a ball of snow.

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To gather balls which cling to the feet, as of damp snow or clay; to gather into balls; as, the …

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A mound, pile, or ridge of earth, raised above the surrounding level; hence, anything shaped like a mound or ridge …

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besnow ENGLISH

To cover with snow; to whiten with snow, or as with snow.

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besnow ENGLISH

To scatter like snow; to cover thick, as with snow flakes.

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blinding ENGLISH

Making blind or as if blind; depriving of sight or of understanding; obscuring; as, blinding tears; blinding snow.

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blizzard ENGLISH

A gale of piercingly cold wind, usually accompanied with fine and blinding snow; a furious blast.

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To slide down hill; to slide on a sled, upon snow or ice.

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coasting ENGLISH

Sliding down hill; sliding on a sled upon snow or ice.

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collect ENGLISH

To assemble together; as, the people collected in a crowd; to accumulate; as, snow collects in banks.

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Brittle; friable; in a condition to break with a short, sharp fracture; as, crisp snow.

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The hard external coat or covering of anything; the hard exterior surface or outer shell; an incrustation; as, a crust …

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dashboard ENGLISH

A board placed on the fore part of a carriage, sleigh, or other vehicle, to intercept water, mud, or snow, …

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To retard; to stop, detain, or hinder, for a time; to retard the motion, or time of arrival, of; as, …

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