"Snatch Block" is a word in ENGLISH

snatch block ENGLISH

a kind of block with an opening in one side to receive
the bight of a rope.

Few words of positivity

I hated the flashcards and I hated the multiplication tables, but I did enjoy the fact that my dad took time out of his schedule to help me in the areas in which I needed it.

Sara Dormon, So You Want to Adopt...Now What?: A Practical Guide for Navigating the Adoption Process

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What do you call a fake noodle?A: An Impasta.

Damnum Absque Injuria LAW AND LEGAL

Loss, hurt, or harm without injury in the legal sense, that is, withont such an invasion of rights as is …

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A kind of cushion for writing upon, or for blotting; esp., one formed of many flat sheets of writing paper, …

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spokeshave ENGLISH

A kind of drawing knife or planing tool for dressing the spokes of wheels, the shells of blocks, and other …

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steeve ENGLISH

A spar, with a block at one end, used in stowing cotton bales, and similar kinds of cargo which need …

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tapalán - A block, bench, any kind of surface on which something is laid for cutting, etc.; a scape-goat, one …

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