"Snaked" is a word in ENGLISH

snaked ENGLISH

of Snake

Few words of positivity

I lie about lying, which means I can lie


Laugh your heart out.

A guy driving a truck in the middle of nowhere picks up a hitch-hiker.It gets dark and the hitch-hiker falls asleep. Suddenly bang, and thehitch-hiker wakes up,"what the hell was that?". The truck driverreplies, "some kinda animal, go back to sleep."Further the same thing again, bang, "What the hell was that?","some kinda animal again."Further into the night, bang, bang, bang, "What the hell was that?","Some bastard!". "How terrible",says the hitch-hiker, "but there were3 bangs"The truck driver replies, "Yeah, well I had to go through two fencesto get the bastard. . ."


abay v {1} [AC; b6] move along together with s.t. moving. Lagmit hiligsan ang bátà kay nag-abay sa tartanilya, The …

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acontias ENGLISH

Anciently, a snake, called dart snake; now, one of a genus of reptiles closely allied to the lizards.

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In America, the term is commonly applied to several harmless snakes, as the milk adder, puffing adder, etc.

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aginud CEBUANO

agínud v [A2S; a] {1} move dragging s.t. on the ground. Nag-agínud ang bakul padúng sa simbahan, The cripple dragged …

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agwáson - A very poisonous snake, growing to the thickness of a man’s arm, living mostly in the jungle and …

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agwasun CEBUANO

agwásun n k. o. large poisonous snake, black on the back and yellow-bellied.

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ahas Definition: (noun) snake

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alsa v {1} [A; a12] lift s.t. from underneath. Alsáhun nátù ning lamísa, Lets lift the table. {2} [A2] rise …

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amá (from ama) expression uttered when frightened: help! Amá! Náay sawa! Help! Theres a snake!

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ammonite ENGLISH

A fossil cephalopod shell related to the nautilus. There are many genera and species, and all are extinct, the typical …

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amphiuma ENGLISH

A genus of amphibians, inhabiting the Southern United States, having a serpentlike form, but with four minute limbs and two …

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anaconda ENGLISH

A large South American snake of the Boa family (Eunectes murinus), which lives near rivers, and preys on birds and …

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andayag CEBUANO

andáyag n medicine of snake feces, herbs, bark for stomach com-plaints.

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angat n teeth marks. Angat sa pinaakan sa hálas, Teeth marks of a snake.

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anguiform ENGLISH
anguine ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a snake or serpent.

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bahag n G-string. Dì masaghirag bahag bayhána, That woman is terribly fertile. (Lit. You cant brush a g-string against her …

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bakunáwa - A fabulous large snake or dragon believed to devour the moon at the time of an eclipse; eclipse …

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balag-ung CEBUANO

balag-ung n animal trap that clasps, snares, or encloses the ani-mal. v [A; ab2] {1} catch with, set a balag-ung. …

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balanak CEBUANO

balának n general name for large mullets: Mugilidae. -un a flat-headed, like a mullet: term for fishes, snakes, people.

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