"Slocken" is a word in ENGLISH

slocken ENGLISH

To quench; to allay; to slake. See Slake.

Few words of positivity

You can't move things by not moving.

Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Laugh your heart out.

A couple just got married, and when the husband went back to his househe found that his bride had disappeared. He got very worried andgathered up all his friends to search for his wife with no success.Two days after his wife disappeared the man returned home to find herin the kitchen. He asked her what she has been up to and why she hasntbeen home for so long.She replied:"These four men kidnapped me and had wild sex with me for a week."The husband answered:"But it's only been two days what do u mean a week?""I am only here to get something to eat."

adipsous ENGLISH

Quenching thirst, as certain fruits.

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Liquid to be swallowed; any fluid to be taken into the stomach for quenching thirst or for other purposes, as …

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To swallow anything liquid, for quenching thirst or other purpose; to imbibe; to receive or partake of, as if in …

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extinct ENGLISH

Extinguished; put out; quenched; as, a fire, a light, or a lamp, is extinct; an extinct volcano.

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extinguish ENGLISH

To quench; to put out, as a light or fire; to stifle; to cause to die out; to put an …

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Capable of being quenched, destroyed, or suppressed.

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The act of extinguishing, putting out, or quenching, or the state of being extinguished; extinction; suppression; destruction; nullification; as, the …

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inextinct ENGLISH

Not quenched; not extinct.

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At any one time; -- often nearly equivalent to ever, if ever, or whenever; as, once kindled, it may not …

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outquench ENGLISH

To quench entirely; to extinguish.

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palung CEBUANO

pálung v {1} [A; a] extinguish a fire, turn o? a light. Bumbíru ang nakapálung sa kaláyu, The firemen put …

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queint ENGLISH

imp. & p. p. of Quench.

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quench ENGLISH

To become extinguished; to go out; to become calm or cool.

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quench ENGLISH

To cool suddenly, as heated steel, in tempering.

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quench ENGLISH

To extinguish; to overwhelm; to make an end of; -- said of flame and fire, of things burning, and figuratively …

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quenchable ENGLISH

Capable of being quenched.

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quencher ENGLISH

One who, or that which, quenches.

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quenchless ENGLISH

Incapable of being quenched; inextinguishable; as, quenchless fire or fury.

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