"Slaveocracy" is a word in ENGLISH

slaveocracy ENGLISH

See Slavocracy.

Few words of positivity

In fiction workshops, we tend to focus on matters of verisimilitude largely because such issues are so much easier to talk about than the failure of imagination.

Tim O'Brien

Laugh your heart out.

Dentist: "You don't need to open your mouth any wider. When I pull your tooth I expect to stand outside."

self-imposed ENGLISH

Voluntarily taken on one's self; as, self-imposed tasks.

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uncharnel ENGLISH

To remove from a charnel house; to raise from the grave; to exhume.

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quatrain ENGLISH

A stanza of four lines rhyming alternately.

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panlabung HILIGAYNON

panlabúng - (B) Want (loss) of appetite, anorexy; to suffer from anorexy or anorexia, to grow lean and weak through …

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pandora ENGLISH

A beautiful woman (all-gifted), whom Jupiter caused Vulcan to make out of clay in order to punish the human race, …

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lágtok - To crack, crackle, emit a sound as of knuckles or joints strained to the snapping point. Nagalágtok ang …

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The process or recrystallizing.

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dimera ENGLISH

A division of the Hemiptera, including the aphids.

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panglaguyawan HILIGAYNON

panglaguyáwan - Diversion, vacation, holiday, travel; to spend a holiday or travel for recreation.

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Of or pertaining to a doge.

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refracture ENGLISH

To break again, as a bone.

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belace ENGLISH

To fasten, as with a lace or cord.

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tripodian ENGLISH

An ancient stringed instrument; -- so called because, in form, it resembled the Delphic tripod.

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An instrument for measuring or comparing the intensites of the colors of the spectrum.

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mabinaluson HILIGAYNON

mabinalúson - Grateful, making a fitting return. (bálus).

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triumphing ENGLISH

Having or celebrating a triumph; victorious; triumphant.

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evigilation ENGLISH

A waking up or awakening.

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A paper on which the points of the compass are marked; the dial or face of the mariner's compass.

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