"Skies" is a word in ENGLISH


of Sky

Few words of positivity

If forgiveness is medicine for the soul, then gratitude is vitamins.

Steve Maraboli

Laugh your heart out.

A man walked into a gift shop that sold religious items. Nearthe cash register he saw a display of caps with "WWJD"printed on all of them. He was puzzled over what the letterscould mean, but couldn't figure it out, so he asked the clerk.The clerk replied that the letters stood for "What Would JesusDo", and was meant to inspire people to not make rashdecisions, but rather to imagine what Jesus would do in thesame situation.The man thought a moment and then replied, "Well, I'm damnsure Jesus wouldn't pay $17.95 for one of these caps."

aethrioscope ENGLISH

An instrument consisting in part of a differential thermometer. It is used for measuring changes of temperature produced by different …

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after-glow ENGLISH

A glow of refulgence in the western sky after sunset.

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alaká-ak - Spread, distributed, dispersed over a large area with considerable distances between; to be spread or distributed, etc. Alaká-ak …

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alum-um CEBUANO

alum-um a for the sky to be overcast. v {1} [B] become overcast. Mialum-um ang búwan, The moon became covered …

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Amber color, or anything amber-colored; a clear light yellow; as, the amber of the sky.

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Showing anger; proceeding from anger; acting as if moved by anger; wearing the marks of anger; as, angry words or …

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anihag CEBUANO

aníhag (from síhag) v {1} [A; c1] peer or look through s.t. trans-parent. Dihay mianihag (nag-anihag) sa bildung takup, S. …

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anis-is CEBUANO

anis-is a immaculately white and smooth. Anis-is nga pamánit, Smooth, fair complexion. Anis-is ang lángit, The sky is smooth and …

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ánud v [AP; c1] for the current to carry s.t. o? . Ang bahà nag-ánud (nagpaánud) sa ílang balay, The …

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appearance ENGLISH

A thing seed; a phenomenon; a phase; an apparition; as, an appearance in the sky.

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asúl - (Sp. azul) Blue, azure, sky-blue; to colour or dye blue. Ginasúl níya ang báyò ko. He dyed my …

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aurora ENGLISH

The rising light of the morning; the dawn of day; the redness of the sky just before the sun rises.

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The clear blue color of the sky; also, a pigment or dye of this color.

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Sky-blue; resembling the clear blue color of the unclouded sky; cerulean; also, cloudless.

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The blue vault above; the unclouded sky.

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azured ENGLISH

Of an azure color; sky-blue.

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Having the color of the clear sky, or a hue resembling it, whether lighter or darker; as, the deep, blue …

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One of the seven colors into which the rays of light divide themselves, when refracted through a glass prism; the …

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bungiut CEBUANO

bungiut, bungíut v [A; c1] {1} for the face to assume a frowning, disapproving expression. Sapútun gánì siya mubungíut íyang …

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buti n {1} smallpox. {2} k. o. contagious swine disease char-acterized by high fever and tiny eruptions at the base …

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