"Sinok" is a word in TAGALOG


Definition: (noun) hiccup

Few words of positivity

Never be defeated by roadblocks life throws in your way. Instead, conquer them. You are much stronger than you give yourself credit for.

Blaque Diamond

Laugh your heart out.

My dog is a nuisance. He chases everyone on a bicycle. What can I do? Take his bike away.

sunsquall ENGLISH

Any large jellyfish.

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publishment ENGLISH

The act or process of making publicly known; publication.

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subserous ENGLISH

Situated under a serous membrane.

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In old English law. A writ which lay for a person whose cattle or goods were taken by another, who …

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Ex Quasi Oontractu LAW AND LEGAL

From quasi contract Fleta, lih. 2, c. 60

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ukasiyun CEBUANO

ukasiyun n {1} occasion, a favorable opportunity. Ukasiyun nà nímu. Pahimudsi, Thats a chance for you. Take advantage of it. …

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yellows ENGLISH

A group of butterflies in which the predominating color is yellow. It includes the common small yellow butterflies. Called also …

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scrobicular ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or surrounding, scrobiculae; as, scrobicular tubercles.

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gahas, gáhas v [A; a] clear an area by cutting down trees and tall plants, but not grass and weeds. …

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The space commanded by the organ of sight; scope of vision; hence, face; front; the presence of an object which …

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súbok - To root, turn up the earth with the snout as pigs do. Ang mga báboy nagasúbok sang dútà …

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etherization ENGLISH

The administration of ether to produce insensibility.

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embrace ENGLISH

Intimate or close encircling with the arms; pressure to the bosom; clasp; hug.

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One who, or that which, is guarded.

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orthorhombic ENGLISH

Noting the system of crystallization which has three unequal axes at right angles to each other; trimetric. See Crystallization.

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brusqueness ENGLISH

Quality of being brusque; roughness joined with promptness; bluntness.

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A genus of minute fungi. The plants consist of slender threads with terminal globular sporangia; mold.

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procellarian ENGLISH

One of a family of oceanic birds (Procellaridae) including the petrels, fulmars, and shearwaters. They are often seen in great …

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stability ENGLISH

The state or quality of being stable, or firm; steadiness; firmness; strength to stand without being moved or overthrown; as, …

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