"Sing-It" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


síng-it - (H) Stye (of the eye). (cf. búntug).

sing-it CEBUANO

sing-it = saling-it.

Few words of positivity

We had more fun waiting in line together at the Department of Motor Vehicles than most couples have on their honeymoons. We gave each other same nickname, so there would be no separation between us. We made goals, vows, promises and dinner together. He read books to me...

Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

Laugh your heart out.

An American tourist travelling in Limerick came across a little antique shop in which he was lucky enough to pick up, for a mere $150, the skull of Saint Patrick. Included in the price was a certificate of the skull's authenticity, signed by Saint Patrick himself.Ten years later the tourist returned to Ireland and asked the antique shop owner if he had any more bargains. "I've got the very thing for you," said the Irishman. "It's the genuine skull of Saint Patrick". "You swindler!" shouted the American. "You sold me that ten years ago," and, producing the skull, added, "Look, they're not even the same size!""You have it all wrong," said the Irishman. "This is the skull of Saint Patrick when he was a lad."


dugús - Honey; the best, sweetest or most delectable part of a thing, nectar, mead. dúgus, (H) To gather fruit …

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kalawít - (H) Anything used as a hook, as a stick or pole with a hook attached to it and …

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paníngit - (H) Freq. of síngit—to gather with pole and hook.

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