"Sinful" is a word in ENGLISH

sinful ENGLISH

Tainted with, or full of, sin; wicked; iniquitous;
criminal; unholy; as, sinful men; sinful thoughts.

Few words of positivity

Wisdom bought with a tremendous price, Jane. You know what William and I suffered. I suppose the benefit to our tumultuous courtship was the trial-by-fire aspect of it all.We learned our lessons via grievous methods, but we did learn them.

Sharon Lathan, Loving Mr. Darcy: Journeys Beyond Pemberley

Laugh your heart out.

How do we know hamburgers have high IQ's?They 'loin' fast!

innocent ENGLISH

Morally free from guilt; guiltless; not tainted with sin; pure; upright.

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poison ENGLISH

That which taints or destroys moral purity or health; as, the poison of evil example; the poison of sin.

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