"Sinapis" is a word in ENGLISH

sinapis ENGLISH

A disused generic name for mustard; -- now called

Few words of positivity

The world is always waiting on you to show it what you are truly made of through your actions.

Laugh your heart out.

A dinner speaker was in such a hurry to get to his engagement that when he arrived and sat down at the head table, he suddenly realized that he had forgotten his false teeth.Turning to the man next to him he said, "I forgot my teeth."The man said, "No problem." With that he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of false teeth. "Try these," he said.The speaker tried them. "Too loose," he said.The man then said, "I have another pair...try these."The speaker tried them and responded, "Too tight."The man was not taken back at all. He then said, "I have one more paid of false teeth...try them."The speaker said, "They fit perfectly." With that he ate his meal and gave his address.After the dinner meeting was over, the speaker went over to thank the man who had helped him."I want to thank you for coming to my aid. Where is your office? I've been looking for a good dentist."The man replied, "I'm not a dentist. I'm the local undertaker."

angelot ENGLISH

An instrument of music, of the lute kind, now disused.

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astrolabe ENGLISH

An instrument for observing or showing the positions of the stars. It is now disused.

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baritone ENGLISH

The viola di gamba, now entirely disused.

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An ancient mode of pun-ishment by inflicting a mark on au offender with a hot iron. Tt is generally disused …

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Congressus LAW AND LEGAL

The extreme practical test of the truth of a charge of impotence brought against a husband hy a wife. It …

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court-baron ENGLISH

An inferior court of civil jurisdiction, attached to a manor, and held by the steward; a baron's court; -- now …

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Court Of Attachments LAW AND LEGAL

The low-est of the three courts held in the forests. It has fallen into total disuse

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Demonetization LAW AND LEGAL

The disuse of a particular metal for purposes of coinage. The withdrawal of the value of a metal as money

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desuete ENGLISH

Disused; out of use.

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desuetude ENGLISH

The cessation of use; disuse; discontinuance of practice, custom, or fashion.

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Disuse; cessation or dis-continuance of use. Applied to obsolete statutes. James v. Cornu?-, 12 Serg. & R. (Pa.) 227

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digamma ENGLISH

A letter (/, /) of the Greek alphabet, which early fell into disuse.

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Neglect of disuse of familiarity, or familiar acquaintance.

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disusage ENGLISH

Gradual cessation of use or custom; neglect of use; disuse.

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disuse ENGLISH

To cease to use; to discontinue the practice of.

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disuse ENGLISH

To disaccustom; -- with to or from; as, disused to toil.

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disuse ENGLISH

Cessation of use, practice, or exercise; inusitation; desuetude; as, the limbs lose their strength by disuse.

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flat-cap ENGLISH

A kind of low-crowned cap formerly worn by all classes in England, and continued in London after disuse elsewhere; -- …

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