"Sikmul" is a word in CEBUANO

sikmul CEBUANO

sikmul v [A; ac1] {1} touch s.t.
lightly to the mouth or the mouth lightly to it.
Igù lang misikmul sa kan-unun ang irù ug milakaw, The dog just sni?
ed at the food and walked away.
Sikmúla (isikmul) ang imáhin sa santus, Touch the image of the saint lightly to your lips.
{2} touch s.t.
to a child or baby animals mouth just before he begins to eat or talk, an action which is thought to influence the childs or animals behavior for life.
Sikmúla (isikmul) ug hulmígas ang mga ituy arun maísug, Give ants to the puppies before you wean them to make them become fierce.
{3} hone s.t.
by rubbing it back and forth lightly over a sharpener.
n the thing put to a childs or young animals mouth to influence its future behavior.
Ang sikmul nga tamalà makapalistu sa paniil sa bátà, A small octopus is a good inau-guratory feed for the child because it will make him quick on his feet.

Few words of positivity

You are correct in saying that desires often come from things we cannot easily gain - mine, being that of your love. By all accounts, I do wish I could steal it. But I am not that sort of man. I will wait. Forever and a day...I will wait.

Renee Vincent

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get from a forgetful cow? Milk of amnesia!

dapulas CEBUANO

dapúlas (from púlas) v {1} [A; c] rub the hand lightly, usually over the face, occasionally, also over other parts …

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haluk n kiss, sni? , putting the nose next to the person kissed. v {1} [AC; b] kiss. Nagháluk sila …

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To show mirth, satisfaction, or derision, by peculiar movement of the muscles of the face, particularly of the mouth, causing …

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pulug n {1} dye. {2} color. Musíga na ang pulug nga pula sa sugà sa trapiku, The tra? c light …

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samsam CEBUANO

samsam v {1} [A; c1] move the lips in speaking without mak-ing a sound. Musamsam siya sa íyang urasiyun ug …

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tandug CEBUANO

tandug v {1} [A13; a1b2] touch s.t. lightly to disturb it. Dinhà giyuy nagtandug sa rúsas kay nabálì ang sanga, …

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tingkarul CEBUANO

tingkarul v 1, 2, 3 = tingkagul. {4} [A1] light ones way with a tingkarul torch. {5} [A; a] make …

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