"Sigisigi" is a word in CEBUANO

sigisigi CEBUANO

sigisígi n name of a notorious gang of Tagalog hoodlums as op-posed to the uksu (OXO) of the Visayans.
gang = sigisígi.
sigkat = siklat.

Few words of positivity

If you don't take life seriously,Life will take you, seriously!

Ana Claudia Antunes, The Tao of Physical and Spiritual

Laugh your heart out.

A businessman was confused about a bill he had received, sohe asked his secretary for some mathematical help. "If I were to give you $20,000, minus 14%, how much wouldyou take off?" he asked her. The secretary replied, "Everything but my earrings."


In old Englisb law. A person who, on being indicted of treason or fel ony, and arraigned for the same, …

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In a praiseworthy manner.

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A hard brittle brownish gelatin, obtained by boiling to a jelly the skins, hoofs, etc., of animals. When gently heated …

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rouser ENGLISH

A stirrer in a copper for boiling wort.

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-in derivational a? x. {1} added to verbs forming nouns which refer to the continuous action of doing and verbs …

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disagree ENGLISH

To differ in opinion; to hold discordant views; to be at controversy; to quarrel.

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spreader ENGLISH

A machine for combining and drawing fibers of flax to form a sliver preparatory to spinning.

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lakáng - A step, pace, stride; to step, pace, stride. Maglakáng ka sing makalimá. Take five steps. Lakangí ang kinitáan …

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shamefast ENGLISH

Modest; shamefaced.

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loader ENGLISH

One who, or that which, loads; a mechanical contrivance for loading, as a gun.

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permix ENGLISH

To mix; to mingle.

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heptavalent ENGLISH

Having seven units of attractive force or affinity; -- said of heptad elements or radicals.

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sukút - See sokót—to exact payment, etc.

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sárga - To augment, increase, gather new force, add to (one’s troubles, difficulties, etc.). (cf. dúgang, pangindu-gáng).

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pangku CEBUANO

pangkù v [A; c1] knot the hair. Pangkúa (ipangkù) lang ang ímung buhuk, Tie your hair in a knot. -in- …

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outswell ENGLISH

To swell beyond; to overflow.

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stridulate ENGLISH

To make a shrill, creaking noise

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moot-hall ENGLISH

Alt. of Moot-house

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