"Sidsid" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


sídsid - Hem, fringe, edge, brim, rim,
border. (cf. binít, hamitán).

sidsid CEBUANO

sidsid n {1} hem, lower edge of dress, curtain, or the like.
{2} edge, border (literary).
Ang sidsid sa kapunawpunáwan, To the outer reaches of space.
sidsiran = sidsid, 2.
sid-uk n hiccup.
v [A2; a4] have the hiccups.
Misid-uk si Lúlu, unyà miyupyup sa íyang kwáku, Granddad hiccuped and then pu?
ed on his pipe.
Inum ug usa ka básung túbig ug sid-ukun ka, Take a glass of water if you have the hiccups.

Few words of positivity

Ask yourself:Am I living my past, present or future?

Avina Celeste

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the nutty kid throw a glass of water out of the window? He wanted to see a waterfall.


abúd - (B) Hem, edge; to hem, or edge garments by doubling and sewing. Abdi ang kamiséta ko or butangán …

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ginting CEBUANO

ginting n deep scallops or serrations on the edge of s.t. v [AB46; c1] cut the edge or border of …

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salidsid CEBUANO

salidsid (from sidsid) v {1} [AN; c] go, take s.t. along the edge of s.t. Nanalidsid ang sakayan sa baybáyun, …

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