"Shumod, Shumodity" is a word in GAY LINGO

shumod, shumodity GAY LINGO

tams - zonrox

shumod, shumodity GAY LINGO


Few words of positivity

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. Remember that. -Albus Dumbledore

J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Laugh your heart out.

"Where's the car?" asked Professor Delbert's wife when he got home. "Did I take it out?" "Yes, you drove it to school this morning." "I suppose you're right, my dear. I remember now that after I got out, I turned to thank the man who gave me a lift and wondered where he'd gone."

dilatometer ENGLISH

An instrument for measuring the dilatation or expansion of a substance, especially of a fluid.

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ferocity ENGLISH

Savage wildness or fierceness; fury; cruelty; as, ferocity of countenance.

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joinhand ENGLISH

Writing in which letters are joined in words; -- distinguished from writing in single letters.

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strobila ENGLISH

A form of the larva of certain Discophora in a state of development succeeding the scyphistoma. The body of the …

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thoroughfare ENGLISH

A passing or going through; passage.

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A confined place for cattle, formed by hedges. trees, or other fencing, near the farmyard.

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trilemma ENGLISH

A state of things in which it is difficult to determine which one of three courses to pursue.

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A mineral of a white or gray color, occurring massive or crystallized. It is a compound of the carbonates of …

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parishioner ENGLISH

One who belongs to, or is connected with, a parish.

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working-day ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or characteristic of, working days, or workdays; everyday; hence, plodding; hard-working.

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wisík - Sprinkling; to sprinkle, besprinkle, bedrop, scatter in drops. Wíski (Wisikí) siá sing túbì. Sprinkle water on him. Sprinkle …

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The chief bishop over several countries or provinces, as an arch-bishop is of several dioceses. Godb. 20

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crisscross ENGLISH

With opposition or hindrance; at cross purposes; contrarily; as, things go crisscross.

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rulable ENGLISH

That may be ruled; subject to rule; accordant or conformable to rule.

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gallate ENGLISH

A salt of gallic acid.

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A prism formed by planes parallel to a lateral axis which meet above in a horizontal edge, like the roof …

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karitilya CEBUANO

karitilya n wheelbarrow or small three-wheeled cart for trans-porting light items. v [A; c1] load or transport s.t. in a …

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dagsa1 Active Verb: dumagsa Definition: (verb) to have a sudden, tumultuous and confusing flow of people Examples: Dumagsa ang napakaraming …

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dovecote ENGLISH

A small house or box, raised to a considerable height above the ground, and having compartments, in which domestic pigeons …

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