"Shuffler" is a word in ENGLISH

shuffler ENGLISH

One who shuffles.

shuffler ENGLISH

Either one of the three common American scaup ducks. See
Scaup duck, under Scaup.

Few words of positivity

If you want people to enter your world, you don’t need to invite them; just keep your door open and keep your thoughts plain!

Mehmet Murat ildan

Laugh your heart out.

What is the biggest ant in the world ?An elephant !

angienchyma ENGLISH

Vascular tissue of plants, consisting of spiral vessels, dotted, barred, and pitted ducts, and laticiferous vessels.

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connatural ENGLISH

Connected by nature; united in nature; inborn; inherent; natural.

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coluber ENGLISH

A genus of harmless serpents.

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to make a drift; to examine a vein or ledge for the purpose of ascertaining the presence of metals or …

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acotyledonous ENGLISH

Having no seed lobes, as the dodder; also applied to plants which have no true seeds, as ferns, mosses, etc.

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Emulation; rivalry.

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pleasantry ENGLISH

That which denotes or promotes pleasure or good humor; cheerfulness; gayety; merriment; especially, an agreeable playfulness in conversation; a jocose …

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Hence, anything graduated, especially when employed as a measure or rule, or marked by lines at regular intervals.

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To prank or dress up; to deck fantastically.

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almacantar ENGLISH

A recently invented instrument for observing the heavenly bodies as they cross a given almacantar circle. See Almucantar.

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buluágas - To disintegrate; to disperse. Nagbuluágas ang mga buyúng sang pagabút sang mga soldádo. The brigands fled or dispersed, …

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Reglamento LAW AND LEGAL

In Spanish colonial law. A written instruction given by a com-petent authority, without the observance of any peculiar form. Schm. …

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To cause to be successful, or to prosper; hence, to aid; to favor.

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kagutkut CEBUANO

kagutkut n sound made by s.t. gnawing away at s.t. or scraping s.t. o? . Ang kagutkut sa ilagang gakitkit …

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oophoric ENGLISH

Having the nature of, or belonging to, an oophore.

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baul-baul HILIGAYNON

baúl-baúl - Dim. and Freq. of bául— coarse, etc. bautisár. (Sp. bautizar) To baptize, christen. Sín-o ang nagbautizár sa ímo?— …

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turnep ENGLISH