"Septentrionally" is a word in ENGLISH

septentrionally ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

No man has received from nature the right to command his fellow human beings.

Denis Diderot

Laugh your heart out.

Why did a anowman send his father to Siberia?Because he wanted frozen pop !

compass ENGLISH

An instrument for determining directions upon the earth's surface by means of a magnetized bar or needle turning freely upon …

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norther ENGLISH

A wind from the north; esp., a strong and cold north wind in Texas and the vicinity of the Gulf …

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northerliness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being northerly; direction toward the north.

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northerly ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the north; toward the north, or from the north; northern.

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northerly ENGLISH

Toward the north.

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paaminhan HILIGAYNON

paamínhan - Northward, to the north or towards the north; to go north. Mapaamínhan siá. He will go northward. Nagpaamínhan …

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pangamihan HILIGAYNON

pangamíhan - To go or travel—north,— northward,—northwards,—towards the North,—in a northerly direction. Nagapangamíhan ang mga gál-um. The clouds are travelling …

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