"Septate" is a word in ENGLISH

septate ENGLISH

Divided by partition or partitions; having septa; as, a
septate pod or shell.

Few words of positivity

It is not that men become too intelligent for God,' says the Apologist, 'but rather they become too arrogant for intelligence.

Criss Jami

Laugh your heart out.

Which of the following lines will do a better job of frightening a man away?1) Get away or I'll call the police!!!2) I love you and want to marry you and have your children.

banasay CEBUANO

banásay n k. o. small, brightly-colored fish. banáta n {1} section, flat piece cut from a whole. Nanglatas kami sa …

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búkhay - To divide, partition, part; to rummage; a division, share, part. (cf. abúkay, balúskay, balúkhay; báhin).

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cloisonne ENGLISH

Inlaid between partitions: -- said of enamel when the lines which divide the different patches of fields are composed of …

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compartment ENGLISH

One of the parts into which an inclosed portion of space is divided, as by partitions, or lines; as, the …

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diaphragm ENGLISH

A dividing membrane or thin partition, commonly with an opening through it.

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dissepiment ENGLISH

One of the partitions which divide a compound ovary into cells.

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divide ENGLISH

To cause to be separate; to keep apart by a partition, or by an imaginary line or limit; as, a …

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divide ENGLISH

To make partition of among a number; to apportion, as profits of stock among proprietors; to give in shares; to …

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division ENGLISH

That which divides or keeps apart; a partition.

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dúhon - To divide, partition, etc. (cf. díhon, duhóna, duhóni—dihóna, dihóni).

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elocular ENGLISH

Having but one cell, or cavity; not divided by a septum or partition.

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Erciscundus LAW AND LEGAL

In the civil law. To be divided. Judicium familia erciscunda, a suit for the partition of an inheritance. Inst. 4, …

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Extensores LAW AND LEGAL

In old English law. Extenders or appraisers. The name of cer-tain officers appointed to appraise and divide or apportion lands. …

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hulay, hulay HILIGAYNON

huláy, húlay - To divide, partition, share out, distribute, apportion. Hulayá ang humáy, kwárta, etc. Divide the rice, distribute the …

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kahun n {1} box. {2} square or rectangular section in a rice paddy. Napúlù ka kahun ang íyang pilapilan, There …

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loculous ENGLISH

Divided by internal partitions into cells, as the pith of the pokeweed.

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luwang CEBUANO

luwang n {1} bilge, the rounded lower part of a ships hull or hold. Ákung hinubígan ang luwang sa sakayan, …

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mediastinum ENGLISH

A partition; a septum; specifically, the folds of the pleura (and the space included between them) which divide the thorax …

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merismatic ENGLISH

Dividing into cells or segments; characterized by separation into two or more parts or sections by the formation of internal …

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mesentery ENGLISH

One of the vertical muscular radiating partitions which divide the body cavity of Anthozoa into chambers.

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