"Sepes" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL


Lat. In old English law. A hedge or lnclosure. The lnclosure of a trench or canal. Dig. 43. 21, 4

Few words of positivity

Slavery all day,and then, suddenly, by nightfall- freedom!

Margarita Engle, The Surrender Tree: Poems of Cuba's Struggle for Freedom

Laugh your heart out.

Why do blondes wash their hair in the sink? That's where you wash all your vegetables!

spermoblast ENGLISH

One of the cells formed by the division of the spermospore, each of which is destined to become a spermatozoid; …

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See Haik, and Huke.

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Condition of prosperity or grandeur; wealthy or prosperous circumstances; social importance.

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palned ILOKANO
unchristian ENGLISH

Contrary to Christianity; not like or becoming a Christian; as, unchristian conduct.

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preemption ENGLISH

The privilege or prerogative formerly enjoyed by the king of buying provisions for his household in preference to others.

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partition ENGLISH

The servance of common or undivided interests, particularly in real estate. It may be effected by consent of parties, or …

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cheese GAY LINGO

rumors , gossip, chismis

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animadversion ENGLISH

Remarks by way of criticism and usually of censure; adverse criticism; reproof; blame.

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subsist ENGLISH

To support with provisions; to feed; to maintain; as, to subsist one's family.

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stature ENGLISH

The natural height of an animal body; -- generally used of the human body.

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hímò - To make, do, act, perform an act, deed or work, execute, accomplish. Indì mahímò inâ. That is impossible—or—that …

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humiliation ENGLISH

The state of being humiliated, humbled, or reduced to lowliness or submission.

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Like fibrinoplastin; capable of forming fibrin when brought in contact with fibrinogen.

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eunuch ENGLISH

Alt. of Eunuchate

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Jusjurandum LAW AND LEGAL