"Sepelible" is a word in ENGLISH

sepelible ENGLISH

Admitting of burial.

Few words of positivity

Some men will never be heroes, some heroes will never be men, he thought, with urgent acknowledgements to Joseph Conrad.

John le Carré, The Russia House

Laugh your heart out.

Q. What do you have when only one line dancer comes to your party?A. A One Liner!

lacrytory ENGLISH

Alt. of Lacrymose

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Runrig Lands LAW AND LEGAL

Lands in Scotland where the ridges of a field belong alterna-tlvely to dlfferent proprietors. Anciently thls kind of possession was …

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immersed ENGLISH

Deeply occupied; engrossed; entangled.

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miscellanea ENGLISH

A collection of miscellaneous matters; matters of various kinds.

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A particular method or pattern of weaving; as, the cassimere weave.

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pillage ENGLISH

To strip of money or goods by open violence; to plunder; to spoil; to lay waste; as, to pillage the …

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tuháw - Sudden, unexpected, without preparation or previous warning. Tuháw nga ulán. A sudden downpour. An unexpected shower of rain. …

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oppress ENGLISH

To ravish; to violate.

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álà v [b] be mistaken for another person. Naaláan ku siyang kawatan, I mistook him for a thief.

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nuncupative ENGLISH

Nominal; existing only in name.

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A flat stone used for paving.

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turista TAGALOG

turista Definition: (noun) tourist Notes: Spanish

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gladstone ENGLISH

A four-wheeled pleasure carriage with two inside seats, calash top, and seats for driver and footman.

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wildfire ENGLISH

A composition of inflammable materials, which, kindled, is very hard to quench; Greek fire.

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tretys ENGLISH

A treatise; also, a treaty.

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Having two coalescent cotyledons, as the live oak and the horse-chestnut.

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A spike or nail.

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electric ENGLISH

Alt. of Electrical

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