"Sentience" is a word in ENGLISH

sentience ENGLISH

Alt. of Sentiency

Few words of positivity

In love, treat your relationship as if you are growing the most beautiful flower. Keep watering it, tend to its roots, give it lots of sunlight, and always make sure the petals are full of color and are never curling. Once you neglect your plant, it will die, as will your relationship.

Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Laugh your heart out.

How many bankers does it take to change a light bulb?Four. One to hold the bulb, and three to try and remember the combination.the dentist, "what kind of filling would you like for that tooth?""Chocolate, please," replied the youngster.

receipt ENGLISH

Place of receiving.

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slimness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being slim.

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substantive ENGLISH

Betokening or expressing existence; as, the substantive verb, that is, the verb to be.

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contagious ENGLISH

Spreading or communicable from one to another; exciting similar emotions or conduct in others.

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pinanahian HILIGAYNON

pinanahián - What has been sewn or stitched, sewn together. (cf. tahî).

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The leaping, tripping, or measured stepping of one who dances; an amusement, in which the movements of the persons are …

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An English statute for enabling the court of chancery to award dam-ages. 21 & 22 Vict. c. 27

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syphilide ENGLISH

A cutaneous eruption due to syphilis.

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snorter ENGLISH

The wheather; -- so called from its cry.

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The short, thick first digit of the human hand, differing from the other fingers in having but two phalanges; the …

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EXPLETIA, or EXPLE-GIA. In old records. The rents and profits of an estate

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Extra-Territoriality LAW AND LEGAL

The extra-territorial operation of laws; that ls, tbclr operation upon persons, rights, or jural relations, existing beyond the limits of …

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kuntud CEBUANO

kuntud a for the surface of a piece of land to be uneven. Ayúha pagpátag kay kuntud pa kanang dapíta …

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bulunakan HILIGAYNON

bulunakán - (H) Laundry, place or room where clothes are washed. (búnak).

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antitypy ENGLISH

Opposition or resistance of matter to force.

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pattern ENGLISH

Anything cut or formed to serve as a guide to cutting or forming objects; as, a dressmaker's pattern.

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laocoon ENGLISH

A marble group in the Vatican at Rome, representing the priest Laocoon, with his sons, infolded in the coils of …

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quintan ENGLISH

An intermittent fever which returns every fifth day, reckoning inclusively, or in which the intermission lasts three days.

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malaxation ENGLISH

The act of softening by mixing with a thinner substance; the formation of ingredients into a mass for pills or …

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