"Sensist" is a word in ENGLISH

sensist ENGLISH

One who, in philosophy, holds to sensism.

Few words of positivity

Women are always better liked if we sacrifice ourselves for something bigger - and something bigger always means including men, even though something bigger for men doesn't usually mean including women.

Gloria Steinem, My Life on the Road

Laugh your heart out.

A young wildlife biologist got fired from his first real wildlife job. Upon his return home, his parents asked him what happened."You know what a crew boss is?" he asked. "The one who stands around and watches everyone else work." "What's that got to do with it?" they asked. "Well, he just got jealous of me," the young biologist explained. "Everyone thought I was the crew boss."

academic ENGLISH

One holding the philosophy of Socrates and Plato; a Platonist.

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One fully skilled or well versed in anything; a proficient; as, adepts in philosophy.

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atomist ENGLISH

One who holds to the atomic philosophy or theory.

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coherency ENGLISH

Connection or dependence, proceeding from the subordination of the parts of a thing to one principle or purpose, as in …

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doctor ENGLISH

An academical title, originally meaning a men so well versed in his department as to be qualified to teach it. …

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endeictic ENGLISH

Serving to show or exhibit; as, an endeictic dialogue, in the Platonic philosophy, is one which exhibits a specimen of …

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gnostic ENGLISH

One of the so-called philosophers in the first ages of Christianity, who claimed a true philosophical interpretation of the Christian …

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magister ENGLISH

Master; sir; -- a title of the Middle Ages, given to a person in authority, or to one having a …

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naturalism ENGLISH

The doctrine of those who deny a supernatural agency in the miracles and revelations recorded in the Bible, and in …

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objectist ENGLISH

One who adheres to, or is skilled in, the objective philosophy.

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philosopher ENGLISH

One who reduces the principles of philosophy to practice in the conduct of life; one who lives according to the …

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philosopher ENGLISH

One who philosophizes; one versed in, or devoted to, philosophy.

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platonist ENGLISH

One who adheres to the philosophy of Plato; a follower of Plato.

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promoter ENGLISH

One who, or that which, forwards, advances, or promotes; an encourager; as, a promoter of charity or philosophy.

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sectary ENGLISH

A sectarian; a member or adherent of a sect; a follower or disciple of some particular teacher in philosophy or …

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sophist ENGLISH

One of a class of men who taught eloquence, philosophy, and politics in ancient Greece; especially, one of those who, …

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subjectist ENGLISH

One skilled in subjective philosophy; a subjectivist.

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system ENGLISH

An assemblage of objects arranged in regular subordination, or after some distinct method, usually logical or scientific; a complete whole …

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