"Semiligneous" is a word in ENGLISH

semiligneous ENGLISH

Half or partially ligneous, as a stem partly woody
and partly herbaceous.

Few words of positivity

Make decisions even with incomplete info. You'll never have all the info you need. What matters is what you do with the info you have.

Ziad K. Abdelnour, Economic Warfare: Secrets of Wealth Creation in the Age of Welfare Politics

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get when you cross a pig with a canary? I don't know, but when it sits on your electric wire and sings, all your lights go out

alud-ud CEBUANO

alud-ud n {1} s.t. which has the chewing quality of soft bones: the tender part of a stem, the husk …

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bangbangir ILOKANO

n. one half of anything, e.g. a squash. 862 BANGIR; BANGBANGIR, adj. having some parts cooked and other parts uncooked: …

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boomerang ENGLISH

A very singular missile weapon used by the natives of Australia and in some parts of India. It is usually …

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breastwheel ENGLISH

A water wheel, on which the stream of water strikes neither so high as in the overshot wheel, nor so …

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demibastion ENGLISH

A half bastion, or that part of a bastion consisting of one face and one flank.

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A short note, equal in time to the half of a semiquaver, or the thirty-second part of a whole note.

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dimidiate ENGLISH

Divided into two equal parts; reduced to half in shape or form.

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domino ENGLISH

A kind of mask; particularly, a half mask worn at masquerades, to conceal the upper part of the face. Dominos …

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finger ENGLISH

The breadth of a finger, or the fourth part of the hand; a measure of nearly an inch; also, the …

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The stronger part of the blade of a sword; the part of half nearest the hilt; -- opposed to foible.

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four-o'clock ENGLISH

A plant of the genus Mirabilis. There are about half a dozen species, natives of the warmer parts of America. …

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gúla a for food not to be cooked well such that some parts of it are still raw. v [B26; …

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In an equal part or degree; in some pa/ appro/mating a half; partially; imperfectly; as, half-colored, half done, half-hearted, half …

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Part; side; behalf.

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One of two equal parts into which anything may be divided, or considered as divided; -- sometimes followed by of; …

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A moiety; one of two equal parts of anything susceptible of division. Prentiss v. Brewer, 17 wis. 644, 86 Am. …

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half-and-half ENGLISH

A mixture of two malt liquors, esp. porter and ale, in about equal parts.

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halfendeal ENGLISH

Half; by the part.

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half-faced ENGLISH

Showing only part of the face; wretched looking; meager.

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