"Semiimute" is a word in ENGLISH

semiimute ENGLISH

Having the faculty of speech but imperfectly developed
or partially lost.

Few words of positivity

If you're looking for an enemy, stop imagining it's one group or another. All mankind is your enemy, including yourself.

T.J. Kirk

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the goal post get angry ?Because the bar was rattled !

ability ENGLISH

The quality or state of being able; power to perform, whether physical, moral, intellectual, conventional, or legal; capacity; skill or …

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abstract ENGLISH

Resulting from the mental faculty of abstraction; general as opposed to particular; as, \"reptile\" is an abstract or general name.

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The faculty to which the phrenologists attribute the desire of acquiring and possessing.

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acumen ENGLISH

Quickness of perception or discernment; penetration of mind; the faculty of nice discrimination.

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acuteness ENGLISH

The faculty of nice discernment or perception; acumen; keenness; sharpness; sensitiveness; -- applied to the senses, or the understanding. By …

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adroit ENGLISH

Dexterous in the use of the hands or in the exercise of the mental faculties; exhibiting skill and readiness in …

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agency ENGLISH

The faculty of acting or of exerting power; the state of being in action; action; instrumentality.

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Having the faculty of quick motion in the limbs; apt or ready to move; nimble; active; as, an agile boy; …

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alienation ENGLISH

Mental alienation; derangement of the mental faculties; insanity; as, alienation of mind.

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The instinct or faculty of appetite for food.

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amativeness ENGLISH

The faculty supposed to influence sexual desire; propensity to love.

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ambidexterity ENGLISH

The quality of being ambidextrous; the faculty of using both hands with equal facility.

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ambidextrous ENGLISH

Having the faculty of using both hands with equal ease.

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ambulatory ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to walking; having the faculty of walking; formed or fitted for walking; as, an ambulatory animal.

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animadversal ENGLISH

The faculty of perceiving; a percipient.

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In medical jurisprudence. Loss of the faculty or power of articulate speech; a condition In which the patient, while retaining …

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appetitive ENGLISH

Having the quality of desiring gratification; as, appetitive power or faculty.

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apprehension ENGLISH

The faculty by which ideas are conceived; understanding; as, a man of dull apprehension.

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apprehensive ENGLISH

Relating to the faculty of apprehension.

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arouse ENGLISH

To excite to action from a state of rest; to stir, or put in motion or exertion; to rouse; to …

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