"Semidiurnal" is a word in ENGLISH

semidiurnal ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or traversed in, six hours, or in half
the time between the rising and setting of a heavenly body; as, a
semidiurnal arc.

semidiurnal ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or accomplished in, half a day, or
twelve hours; occurring twice every day.

Few words of positivity

The stars were extra bright tonight, and they shone and glimmered as if each one had something it wanted to say.

Chris Kurtz, The Adventures of a South Pole Pig: A novel of snow and courage

Laugh your heart out.

Out for the Countby Esau Stars

captive ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to bondage or confinement; serving to confine; as, captive chains; captive hours.

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Of or pertaining to an hour, or to hours.

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horary ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to an hour; noting the hours.

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