"Self-Regarding Evidence" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Self-Regarding Evidence LAW AND LEGAL

Evl-derice which either serves or disserves the partyis so called. Thls specles of evidence is either self-serving (which is not in general receivable) or self-dlsservlng, which is invariably receivable, as being an admission against the party offering it, and that either dn court or out of court. Brown

Few words of positivity

We cannot change outcomes, but we can change causes

Seth Czerepak

Laugh your heart out.

A famous professor of surgery died and went to heaven. At the pearly gate he was asked by the gatekeeper: 'Have you ever committed a sin you truly regret?' 'Yes,' the professor ansvered. 'When I was a young candidate at the hospital of Saint Lucas, we played soccer against at team from the Community Hospital, and I scored a goal, which was off-side. But the referee did not se it so, and the goal won us the match. I regret that now.' 'Well,' said the gatekeeper. 'That is a very minor sin. You may enter.' 'Thank you very much, Saint Peter,' the professor ansvered. 'Im am not Saint Peter,' said the gatekeeper. 'He is having his lunchbreak. I am Saint Lucas.'


within the meaning of a statute relative to the pow’ers and duties of guardians, this term comprehends not mere-ly the …

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hospital ENGLISH

A building in which the sick, injured, or infirm are received and treated; a public or private institution founded for …

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A rigid piece which is capable of turning about one point, or axis (the fulcrum), and in which are two …

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passive ENGLISH

Receiving or enduring without either active sympathy or active resistance; without emotion or excitement; patient; not opposing; unresisting; as, passive …

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piston ENGLISH

A sliding piece which either is moved by, or moves against, fluid pressure. It usually consists of a short cylinder …

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VER. A receiver is an indifler-ent person between the parties appointed by the court to collect and receive the rents, …

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Reformatory LAW AND LEGAL

This term ls of too wlde and uncertaln slgnlficatlon to support a bequest for the bulldlug of a “boys’ re-formatory.” …

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revenge ENGLISH

To inflict harm in return for, as an injury, insult, etc.; to exact satisfaction for, under a sense of injury; …

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Undefended LAW AND LEGAL

A term sometimes ap-plied to one who Is obliged to make his own defense when on trial, or ln a …

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A wish, choice, or opinion, of a person or a body of persons, expressed in some received and authorized way; …

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This is either a writ of dower unde nihil habet. which lies for a widow, commanding the tenant to as-sign …

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