"Self-Destructive" is a word in ENGLISH

self-destructive ENGLISH

Destroying, or tending to destroy, one's self or
itself; rucidal.

Few words of positivity

Today’s amateurs are tomorrow’s champions.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Laugh your heart out.

What's red and invisible? No tomatoes.

antilithic ENGLISH

Tending to prevent the formation of urinary calculi, or to destroy them when formed.

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antisocial ENGLISH

Tending to interrupt or destroy social intercourse; averse to society, or hostile to its existence; as, antisocial principles.

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One who delights in destroying that which is valuable; one whose principles and influence tend to destroy existing institutions; a …

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eradicative ENGLISH

Tending or serving to eradicate; curing or destroying thoroughly, as a disease or any evil.

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mephitical ENGLISH

Tending to destroy life; poisonous; noxious; as, mephitic exhalations; mephitic regions.

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vermifugal ENGLISH

Tending to prevent, destroy, or expel, worms or vermin; anthelmintic.

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