"Sedimental" is a word in ENGLISH

sedimental ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

Behind every creative act is a statement of love. Every artistic creation is a statement of gratitude.

Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Laugh your heart out.

What's long and stylish and full of cats? The Easter Purrade!

cesspool ENGLISH

A cistern in the course, or the termination, of a drain, to collect sedimentary or superfluous matter; a privy vault; …

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cone-in-cone ENGLISH

Consisting of a series of parallel cones, each made up of many concentric cones closely packed together; -- said of …

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laccolith ENGLISH

A mass of igneous rock intruded between sedimentary beds and resulting in a mammiform bulging of the overlying strata.

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metamorphic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, produced by, or exhibiting, certain changes which minerals or rocks may have undergone since their original deposition; -- …

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metamorphism ENGLISH

The state or quality of being metamorphic; the process by which the material of rock masses has been more or …

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saccharomyces ENGLISH

A genus of budding fungi, the various species of which have the power, to a greater or less extent, or …

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sediment ENGLISH

The material of which sedimentary rocks are formed.

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sedimentary ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to sediment; formed by sediment; containing matter that has subsided.

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sedimentation ENGLISH

The act of depositing a sediment; specifically (Geol.), the deposition of the material of which sedimentary rocks are formed.

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A fine-grained sedimentary rock of a thin, laminated, and often friable, structure.

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