"Secured" is a word in ENGLISH

secured ENGLISH

of Secure

Few words of positivity

And I find a happiness in the fact of accepting —In the sublimely scientific and difficult fact of accepting the inevitable natural.

Alberto Caeiro, The Collected Poems of Alberto Caeiro

Laugh your heart out.

Q: How does a blonde kill a fish?A: She drowns it.

Acquit A Caution LAW AND LEGAL

In French law, Certain goods pay higher export duties when exported to a foreign country than when they are destined …

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Additional LAW AND LEGAL

This term embraces the idea of joining or uniting one thing to on-other, so as thereby to form one aggregate. …

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adjudication ENGLISH

A process by which land is attached security or in satisfaction of a debt.

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Ad Majorem Cautelam LAW AND LEGAL

Latin: For greater security.

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Agricultural Lien LAW AND LEGAL

A statutory lien in some states to secure money or sup-plies advanced to an agriculturist to be ex-pended or employed …

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alubaksan HILIGAYNON

alubáksan - The waist; the place where a native skirt called "patádyong” is fastened or secured; the securing, fastening of …

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alugakâ - Loose, slack, not tight, not well secured. (cf. halugakâ, halúg, halugâ, hugák, talungkakâ).

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anchor ENGLISH

To place at anchor; to secure by an anchor; as, to anchor a ship.

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anchor ENGLISH

Fig.: That which gives stability or security; that on which we place dependence for safety.

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anchorage ENGLISH

Something on which one may depend for security; ground of trust.

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anchor-hold ENGLISH

Hence: Firm hold: security.

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Apports En Nature LAW AND LEGAL

In French law. That which a partner brlngs Into the partnershlp other than cash; ‘for instance, securities, realty or personalty, …

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The act of a judge or magistrate ln sanctioning and accepting as satisfactory a bond, security, or other in-strumeut which …

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Notes indorsed by another person than the maker, for additional security.

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approvedly ENGLISH

So as to secure approbation; in an approved manner.

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To cover or furnish with a plate, or with whatever will add strength, force, security, or efficiency; as, to arm …

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Furnished with weapons of offense or defense; furnished with the means of security or protection.

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Arrestment LAW AND LEGAL

In Scotch law. Secur-ing a criminal's person till trial, or that of a debtor till he give security judicio sisti. …

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assignat ENGLISH

One of the notes, bills, or bonds, issued as currency by the revolutionary government of France (1790-1796), and based on …

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assure ENGLISH

To confirm; to make certain or secure.

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