"Sectarianize" is a word in ENGLISH

sectarianize ENGLISH

To imbue with sectarian feelings; to subject to
the control of a sect.

Few words of positivity

I shall ever try to drive all evils away from my heart and keep my love in flower, knowing that thou hast thy seat in the inmost shrine of my heart.

Rabindranath Tagore, Gitanjali: Song Offerings

Laugh your heart out.

How do the Rolling Stones like their burgers?Plain - Rolling Stones gather no moss-tard!

abolitionize ENGLISH

To imbue with the principles of abolitionism.

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agrarianize ENGLISH

To distribute according to, or to imbue with, the principles of agrarianism.

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altruist ENGLISH

One imbued with altruism; -- opposed to egoist.

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christianize ENGLISH

To imbue with or adapt to Christian principles.

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One imbued with a denominational spirit.

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egoistical ENGLISH

Pertaining to egoism; imbued with egoism or excessive thoughts of self; self-loving.

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embalm ENGLISH

To fill or imbue with sweet odor; to perfume.

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ensoul ENGLISH

To indue or imbue (a body) with soul.

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envenom ENGLISH

To taint or impregnate with bitterness, malice, or hatred; to imbue as with venom; to imbitter.

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frenchify ENGLISH

To make French; to infect or imbue with the manners or tastes of the French; to Gallicize.

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humóg - Wet, damp, moist, drenched, soaked, sodden, imbrued, imbued, saturated with. (cf. hupúg, hamúg, etc.).

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húmog - To wet, moisten, dampen, drench, soak, saturate with, imbrue, imbue. (cf. hám-og, húlum, húpug, lúgum, basâ).

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hupút - Steeped, soaked, dyed in, imbued, imbrued, saturated, etc. See hugúm, etc. hupút, Animals owned or taken care of. …

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imbibe ENGLISH

To saturate; to imbue.

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To tincture deply; to cause to become impressed or penetrated; as, to imbue the minds of youth with good principles.

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To tinge deeply; to dye; to cause to absorb; as, clothes thoroughly imbued with black.

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imbuement ENGLISH

The act of imbuing; the state of being imbued; hence, a deep tincture.

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