"Sea Pheasant" is a word in ENGLISH

sea pheasant ENGLISH

The pintail duck.

Few words of positivity

You often meet your fate on the road you take to avoid it.

Goldie Hawn

Laugh your heart out.

The lifeguard told the mother to make her young son stop urinating in the pool."Everyone knows," the mother lectured him, "that from time to time, young children will urinate in a pool." "Oh really?" said the lifeguard, "from the diving board!?!?"

cracker ENGLISH

The pintail duck.

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piketail ENGLISH
pintail ENGLISH

The sharp-tailed grouse of the great plains and Rocky Mountains (Pediocaetes phasianellus); -- called also pintailed grouse, pintailed chicken, springtail, …

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pintail ENGLISH

A northern duck (Dafila acuta), native of both continents. The adult male has a long, tapering tail. Called also gray …

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querquedule ENGLISH

The pintail duck.

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sea widgeon ENGLISH

The pintail duck.

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sharptail ENGLISH

The pintail duck.

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sharptail ENGLISH

The pintail grouse, or prairie chicken.

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The pintail duck.

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spiketail ENGLISH

The pintail duck.

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spindletail ENGLISH

The pintail duck.

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split-tail ENGLISH

The pintail duck.

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sprigtail ENGLISH

The pintail duck; -- called also sprig, and spreet-tail.

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The pintail. See Pintail, n., 1.

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