"Scrobicular" is a word in ENGLISH

scrobicular ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or surrounding, scrobiculae; as,
scrobicular tubercles.

Few words of positivity

Those who make the worst use of their time most complain of its brevity.

Jean de la Bruyere

Laugh your heart out.

What's a shy and retiring accountant?An accountant who is half a million shy and that's why he's retiring.


Of or pertaining to the mouth; surrounding or lining the mouth; as, oral cilia or cirri.

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perineurial ENGLISH

Surrounding nerves or nerve fibers; of or pertaining to the perineurium.

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periotic ENGLISH

Surrounding, or pertaining to the region surrounding, the internal ear; as, the periotic capsule.

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vitelline ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the yolk of eggs; as, the vitelline membrane, a smooth, transparent membrane surrounding the vitellus.

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