"Scritch" is a word in ENGLISH

scritch ENGLISH

A screech.

Few words of positivity

My prayer is an attitude of pure gratitude for having the opportunity to experience life on this earth with all its pain, heartache, worry, and turmoil; coupled with this gratitude is the thankfulness for just having the opportunity to have lived. That is fairly easy on good days but difficult when life puts rocks and boulders in the road.

David W. Earle

Laugh your heart out.

The nurse who can smile when things go wrong is probably going off duty.

alingisi CEBUANO

alingísi a making a piercing, screeching noise. Alingísi siyag tíngug, She has a piercing voice. v [B; a2] be noisy. …

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alingisngis CEBUANO

alingisngis a making very high-pitched and drawn out piercing noise. Ayaw ug ikágis ang ímung kuku sa pisára kay alingis-ngis, …

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hagúnus - The howling, noisy blowing of wind; to blow, howl, whistle, shriek, scream, screech (of wind). May hagúnus sang …

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haypay CEBUANO

haypay n hi-fi set. a for a voice to be screeching, piercing, and unpleasant.

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kagitkit CEBUANO

kagitkit n grinding, grating sound. v [A; b6] make a grinding, grating sound. Mukagitkit ang sín ug gabsun, Galvanized iron …

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lagunit CEBUANO

lagunit n screeching, ripping sound. Ang lagunit sa tayaung lansang nga giibut, The screeching of the rusty nail that was …

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langgis CEBUANO

langgis a high-pitched, screeching noise. Langgis ang ági sa tísà sa pisára, Its very spine-tingling the way the piece of …

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ngidlis CEBUANO

ngidlis a a sharp, high-pitched sound, as of the screeching of brakes. Ang kuku nga mahakarwas sa hugasan ngidlis kaáyung …

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piligu CEBUANO

pilígu n a sheet of galvanized iron, plywood, paper. v [c16] count by the sheets. pilíik v {1} [A2S; c1] …

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ragingring HILIGAYNON

ragíngring - To squeak, screak, screech, creak, utter sharp, shrill sounds (as violins, etc.); to rattle, clatter. (cf. ragíting, ringkádol, …

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rinagingring HILIGAYNON

rinagíngring - Squeaking, screeching, a shrill sound (as of stringed musical instruments); cracking (as of rifles, etc.); to whizz, hiss, …

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scops owl ENGLISH

Any one of numerous species of small owls of the genus Scops having ear tufts like those of the horned …

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screak ENGLISH

To utter suddenly a sharp, shrill sound; to screech; to creak, as a door or wheel.

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screak ENGLISH

A creaking; a screech; a shriek.

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scream ENGLISH

To cry out with a shrill voice; to utter a sudden, sharp outcry, or shrill, loud cry, as in fright …

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scream ENGLISH

A sharp, shrill cry, uttered suddenly, as in terror or in pain; a shriek; a screech.

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screech ENGLISH

A harsh, shrill cry, as of one in acute pain or in fright; a shriek; a scream.

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screech ENGLISH

To utter a harsh, shrill cry; to make a sharp outcry, as in terror or acute pain; to scream; to …

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