"Screeched" is a word in ENGLISH

screeched ENGLISH

of Screech

Few words of positivity

At a higher level of consciousness, everything that happens – or does not happen in our life – has a reason behind it

Santosh Joshi, KEYS

Laugh your heart out.

Why is a sofa like a roast chicken ? Because they're both full of stuffing !

alingisi CEBUANO

alingísi a making a piercing, screeching noise. Alingísi siyag tíngug, She has a piercing voice. v [B; a2] be noisy. …

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alingisngis CEBUANO

alingisngis a making very high-pitched and drawn out piercing noise. Ayaw ug ikágis ang ímung kuku sa pisára kay alingis-ngis, …

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hagúnus - The howling, noisy blowing of wind; to blow, howl, whistle, shriek, scream, screech (of wind). May hagúnus sang …

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haypay CEBUANO

haypay n hi-fi set. a for a voice to be screeching, piercing, and unpleasant.

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kagitkit CEBUANO

kagitkit n grinding, grating sound. v [A; b6] make a grinding, grating sound. Mukagitkit ang sín ug gabsun, Galvanized iron …

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lagunit CEBUANO

lagunit n screeching, ripping sound. Ang lagunit sa tayaung lansang nga giibut, The screeching of the rusty nail that was …

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langgis CEBUANO

langgis a high-pitched, screeching noise. Langgis ang ági sa tísà sa pisára, Its very spine-tingling the way the piece of …

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ngidlis CEBUANO

ngidlis a a sharp, high-pitched sound, as of the screeching of brakes. Ang kuku nga mahakarwas sa hugasan ngidlis kaáyung …

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piligu CEBUANO

pilígu n a sheet of galvanized iron, plywood, paper. v [c16] count by the sheets. pilíik v {1} [A2S; c1] …

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ragingring HILIGAYNON

ragíngring - To squeak, screak, screech, creak, utter sharp, shrill sounds (as violins, etc.); to rattle, clatter. (cf. ragíting, ringkádol, …

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rinagingring HILIGAYNON

rinagíngring - Squeaking, screeching, a shrill sound (as of stringed musical instruments); cracking (as of rifles, etc.); to whizz, hiss, …

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scops owl ENGLISH

Any one of numerous species of small owls of the genus Scops having ear tufts like those of the horned …

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screak ENGLISH

To utter suddenly a sharp, shrill sound; to screech; to creak, as a door or wheel.

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screak ENGLISH

A creaking; a screech; a shriek.

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scream ENGLISH

To cry out with a shrill voice; to utter a sudden, sharp outcry, or shrill, loud cry, as in fright …

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scream ENGLISH

A sharp, shrill cry, uttered suddenly, as in terror or in pain; a shriek; a screech.

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screech ENGLISH

A harsh, shrill cry, as of one in acute pain or in fright; a shriek; a scream.

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screech ENGLISH

To utter a harsh, shrill cry; to make a sharp outcry, as in terror or acute pain; to scream; to …

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screechy ENGLISH

Like a screech; shrill and harsh.

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