"Scintillant" is a word in ENGLISH

scintillant ENGLISH

Emitting sparks, or fine igneous particles; sparkling.

Few words of positivity

God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world.

Paul Dirac

Laugh your heart out.

Two cannibals just finished a big meal and one turns to the other while rubbing his stomach with his fist and says, "Youknow, I just ate my mother-in-law, and she still doesn't agree with me!"


alipalók - (H) To emit or send off sparks, to spark, sparkle. Ang kaláyo nagaalipalók. The fire is giving off …

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alipálok - (H) A spark of fire, particles of fire emitted by bodies in a state of combustion. Ang alipálok …

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binggadura CEBUANO

binggadúra a {1} saying bad things about others with malicious intent. {2} vengeful. v [B12] be a malicious gossip. Nabing-gadúra …

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To yield; to furnish; to produce; to emit; as, flint and steel give sparks.

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ídlab - Spark, scintilla; to emit or throw off sparks, to spark, sparkle, glitter, scintillate. Ang bató nga matíg-a kon …

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ignescent ENGLISH

Emitting sparks of fire when struck with steel; scintillating; as, ignescent stones.

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kídlab - To spark, emit sparks, twinkle, sparkle, scintillate. (cf. ídlab, kídlas).

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kiráb - To flash, emit a flash or spark of light; a flash or spark. Ang kilát nagakiráb. The lightning …

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scintillate ENGLISH

To emit sparks, or fine igneous particles.

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scintillation ENGLISH

A spark or flash emitted in scintillating.

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A small particle of fire or ignited substance which is emitted by a body in combustion.

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sparkle ENGLISH

To emit in the form or likeness of sparks.

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sparkle ENGLISH

To emit sparks; to throw off ignited or incandescent particles; to shine as if throwing off sparks; to emit flashes …

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sparkle ENGLISH

To manifest itself by, or as if by, emitting sparks; to glisten; to flash.

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sparkling ENGLISH

Emitting sparks; glittering; flashing; brilliant; lively; as, sparkling wine; sparkling eyes.

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