"Schizognathous" is a word in ENGLISH

schizognathous ENGLISH

Having the maxillo-palatine bones separate from
each other and from the vomer, which is pointed in front, as in the
gulls, snipes, grouse, and many other birds.

Few words of positivity

Are you quite through with your lurid comments and wicked amusements?""Hardly, my dear, this is just the beginning. You may not be eager now, but I shall melt that ice of yours yet. I always get what I want, and I don't mind waiting for a little while.

Virginia Aird, A Fiery Lass

Laugh your heart out.

How do you make a tame duck wild? Annoy it.

sanggi CEBUANO

sanggì v {1} [A; a] rip, break o? s.t. sti? at the place of attach-ment. Nasanggì ang palwa pagtunub níya, …

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labnaw CEBUANO

labnaw a {1} heavily diluted, having too much water. Labnaw ra ning pagkalúgaw, This porridge has too much water in …

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Non-Issuable Pleas LAW AND LEGAL

Those upon which a decision would not determine the action upon the merits, as a plea in abate--ment 1 ChiL …

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dehydration ENGLISH

The act or process of freeing from water; also, the condition of a body from which the water has been …

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To make fluid; to dissolve.

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búti n rowboat. v [A1; a12] take a rowboat s.w. Ang mga pasahírung wà makabúti nangalúmus, The passengers who couldnt …

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Destitute of distinction or eminence; common; low; vulgar; humble.

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Save or except (that); -- an adversative used elliptically with or without that, and properly introducing a single fact or …

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To put together in sorts with a fraudulent design. To pack a jury is to use unlawful, Improper, or deceitful …

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antepileptic ENGLISH

Good against epilepsy.

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bisio-bisio HILIGAYNON

bisió-bísio - Dim. of bísio. (cf. bisyóbísyo).

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rumple ENGLISH

To make uneven; to form into irregular inequalities; to wrinkle; to crumple; as, to rumple an apron or a cravat.

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stylus ENGLISH

An instrument for writing. See Style, n., 1.

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dapulas CEBUANO

dapúlas (from púlas) v {1} [A; c] rub the hand lightly, usually over the face, occasionally, also over other parts …

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colonel ENGLISH

The chief officer of a regiment; an officer ranking next above a lieutenant colonel and next below a brigadier general.

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alangitngit CEBUANO

alangitngit n woody herb of open waste places; used as a poul-tice: Ehretia microphylla.

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Ho; -- a word used in calling from a distant place; a sportsman's halloo.

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