"Schismatizing" is a word in ENGLISH

schismatizing ENGLISH

of Schismatize

Few words of positivity

There is Soul within you and if you have the faith in It everything in this world will be available to you.

Dada Bhagwan

Laugh your heart out.

How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?

conventicle ENGLISH

An assembly for religious worship; esp., such an assembly held privately, as in times of persecution, by Nonconformists or Dissenters …

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donatist ENGLISH

A follower of Donatus, the leader of a body of North African schismatics and purists, who greatly disturbed the church …

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schismatic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to schism; implying schism; partaking of the nature of schism; tending to schism; as, schismatic opinions or …

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schismatic ENGLISH

One who creates or takes part in schism; one who separates from an established church or religious communion on account …

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schismatical ENGLISH

Same as Schismatic.

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schismatize ENGLISH

To take part in schism; to make a breach of communion in the church.

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separatical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to separatism in religion; schismatical.

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separatist ENGLISH

One who withdraws or separates himself; especially, one who withdraws from a church to which he has belonged; a seceder …

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separatistic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to separatists; characterizing separatists; schismatical.

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spirit ENGLISH

One who is vivacious or lively; one who evinces great activity or peculiar characteristics of mind or temper; as, a …

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