"Scape-Wheel" is a word in ENGLISH

scape-wheel ENGLISH

The wheel in an escapement (as of a clock or a watch)
into the teeth of which the pallets play.

Few words of positivity

To find the inner peace be utmost honest to yourself.

Debasish Mridha

Laugh your heart out.

Why are dolphins cleverer than humans ? Within 3 hours they can train a man to stand at the side of a pool and feed them fish !

abanti CEBUANO

abanti a {1} forward, ahead. Abanti ka rang milingkud, You took a seat too far to the front. {2} ahead …

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Acting by the force of air and water; as, an aerohydrodynamic wheel.

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alíling - (H) A wheel. Also used as a verb. Alilíngi ang káro or butangí sing alíling ang káro. Put …

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amphidisc ENGLISH

A peculiar small siliceous spicule having a denticulated wheel at each end; -- found in freshwater sponges.

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ánda - (B) Their, theirs. Anda diá nga nióg. (Ila iníng lubí). This coconut is theirs—, belongs to them. (cf. …

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ápgot - To be difficult of passage, as wheels over deep loose sand or through mud, walking through sticky mire, …

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An axle or spindle of a wheel or opinion.

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argulya CEBUANO

argulya n {1} metal ring. {2} k. o. merry-go-round consisting of a wheel mounted on a pole from which metal …

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aríring - (B) See alíling—wheel.

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atras n {1} rear wheel. Nahyúsan mi sa atras, We had a flat tire in the rear. {2} rear part …

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The pin or spindle on which a wheel revolves, or which revolves with a wheel.

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A transverse bar or shaft connecting the opposite wheels of a car or carriage; an axletree.

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axle box ENGLISH

A bushing in the hub of a wheel, through which the axle passes.

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axletree ENGLISH

A bar or beam of wood or iron, connecting the opposite wheels of a carriage, on the ends of which …

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axletree ENGLISH

A spindle or axle of a wheel.

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ayri n air that gets into s. o. s body causing disorder. Kuyaw sa ayri nang paságad lag indiksiyun, If …

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báak - To crush, squeeze out of shape, crumple, break by pressure, said especially of bamboo, tubes, pipes and the …

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backboard ENGLISH

A board attached to the rim of a water wheel to prevent the water from running off the floats or …

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backlash ENGLISH

The distance through which one part of connected machinery, as a wheel, piston, or screw, can be moved without moving …

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backwater ENGLISH

Water thrown back by the turning of a waterwheel, or by the paddle wheels of a steamer.

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