"Saurognathous" is a word in ENGLISH

saurognathous ENGLISH

Having the bones of the palate arranged as in
saurians, the vomer consisting of two lateral halves, as in the
woodpeckers (Pici).

Few words of positivity

A billion stars above us coat the sky white. It would have been beautiful back home, but not here. Here it is the ever present reminder that we are all alone and insignificant.

Jennifer Arnett

Laugh your heart out.

What is a hamburger's favourite story?Hansel and Gristle!

acetabulum ENGLISH

A vinegar cup; socket of the hip bone; a measure of about one eighth of a pint, etc.

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acetabulum ENGLISH

The bony cup which receives the head of the thigh bone.

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Continued pain, as distinguished from sudden twinges, or spasmodic pain. \"Such an ache in my bones.\"

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The strong tendon formed of the united tendons of the large muscles in the calf of the leg, an inserted …

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actinost ENGLISH

One of the bones at the base of a paired fin of a fish.

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aitchbone ENGLISH

The bone of the rump; also, the cut of beef surrounding this bone.

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ál-al - To get loose, to peel or scale off, as a piece of bark, skin, flesh, etc. Nagál-al na …

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aliethmoidal ENGLISH

Pertaining to expansions of the ethmoid bone or cartilage.

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alinasal ENGLISH

Pertaining to expansions of the nasal bone or cartilage.

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alisphenoid ENGLISH

The alisphenoid bone.

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alisphenoidal ENGLISH

Pertaining to or forming the wing of the sphenoid; relating to a bone in the base of the skull, which …

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alud-ud CEBUANO

alud-ud n {1} s.t. which has the chewing quality of soft bones: the tender part of a stem, the husk …

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alun-un ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to gobble up, gorge; to gulp, swallow hurriedly and greedily. Saan mo nga alun-unen amin pati tulang. Don’t …

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ámay n {1} marrow of the bones. {2} outermost layer of the timber next to the bark. v [c1] make …

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A form of articulation in which the bones are connected by intervening substance admitting slight motion; symphysis.

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angular ENGLISH

A bone in the base of the lower jaw of many birds, reptiles, and fishes.

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angular ENGLISH

Fig.: Lean; lank; raw-boned; ungraceful; sharp and stiff in character; as, remarkably angular in his habits and appearance; an angular …

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ankylosis ENGLISH

The union of two or more separate bones to from a single bone; the close union of bones or other …

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ántong - The smell of burning feathers, bones, paper, or the like; to emit such a smell. Nagaántong ang búlbul …

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antorbital ENGLISH

The antorbital bone.

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