"Sauba Ant" is a word in ENGLISH

sauba ant ENGLISH

A South American ant (Oecodoma cephalotes) remarkable for
having two large kinds of workers besides the ordinary ones, and for
the immense size of its formicaries. The sauba ant cuts off leaves of
plants and carries them into its subterranean nests, and thus often
does great damage by defoliating trees and cultivated plants.

Few words of positivity

When I wake up each morning, my first thought, is thanks be to God.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Laugh your heart out.

Q. Where can you dance in California? A. San Fran-disco

ant-cattle ENGLISH

Various kinds of plant lice or aphids tended by ants for the sake of the honeydew which they secrete. See …

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adj. /MA-/ to be long in duration. Mabayag kaminto nga agsarita inton malem. We will talk for a long time …

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neuter ENGLISH

An organism, either vegetable or animal, which at its maturity has no generative organs, or but imperfectly developed ones, as …

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