"Saturated" is a word in ENGLISH

saturated ENGLISH

of Saturate

saturated ENGLISH

Filled to repletion; holding by absorption, or in
solution, all that is possible; as, saturated garments; a saturated
solution of salt.

saturated ENGLISH

Having its affinity satisfied; combined with all it can
hold; -- said of certain atoms, radicals, or compounds; thus, methane
is a saturated compound. Contrasted with unsaturated.

Few words of positivity

We thought everything would be forgotten, but I still remember yourclaws running down my back.I wonder if you still think about us,the way I do.How our legs would crash into each other in the middle of the night, and how we endedup creating the moon in the confines of our beds.

Zaeema J. Hussain, The Sky Is Purple

Laugh your heart out.

A guy walks into a laundry run by cats. "Excuse me", he said tothe cat in charge, "Can you get milk stains out?" "Sure," repliedthe cat. "We'll have that stain licked in a minute!"

albumenize ENGLISH

To cover or saturate with albumen; to coat or treat with an albuminous solution; as, to albumenize paper.

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Water saturated or strongly impregnated with salt; pickle; hence, any strong saline solution; also, the saline residue or strong mother …

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burnettize ENGLISH

To subject (wood, fabrics, etc.) to a process of saturation in a solution of chloride of zinc, to prevent decay; …

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kyanize ENGLISH

To render (wood) proof against decay by saturating with a solution of corrosive sublimate in open tanks, or under pressure.

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supersaturate ENGLISH

To add to beyond saturation; as, to supersaturate a solution.

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A thick and viscid saccharine solution of superior quality (as sugarhouse sirup or molasses, maple sirup); specifically, in pharmacy and …

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