"Satrap" is a word in ENGLISH

satrap ENGLISH

The governor of a province in ancient Persia; hence, a
petty autocrat despot.

Few words of positivity

While there is life, there is hope.

Jules Verne

Laugh your heart out.

What's grey and never needs ironing ?A drip dry elephant !


The splritual superior or governor of an abbey or monastery. Feminine, Abbess

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adelantado ENGLISH

A governor of a province; a commander.

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Adelantado LAW AND LEGAL

In Spanish law. A governor of a province; a president or presi-dent judge; a judge having jurisdiction over a kingdom, …

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ancient ENGLISH

An aged man; a patriarch. Hence: A governor; a ruler; a person of influence.

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arbitrator ENGLISH

One who has the power of deciding or prescribing without control; a ruler; a governor.

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bantálà - Announcement, information, news, publication, promulgation, notification; to announce, publish, give out, inform, promulgate, advise. Ibantálà (Ipabantálà) sa bánwa …

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beglerbeg ENGLISH

The governor of a province of the Ottoman empire, next in dignity to the grand vizier.

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A governor of a province or district in the Turkish dominions; also, in some places, a prince or nobleman; a …

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bísi n the vice- or lieutenant governor, mayor, president, con-sul, etc. Kun mamatay ang pamúnù pulíhan kini sa íyang bísi, …

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Bombay Regulations LAW AND LEGAL

Regula-tlons passed for the presidency of Bombay, and the territories subordinate thereto. They were passed by the governors in council …

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boroughmaster ENGLISH

The mayor, governor, or bailiff of a borough.

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caimacam ENGLISH

The governor of a sanjak or district in Turkey.

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candidate ENGLISH

One who offers himself, or is put forward by others, as a suitable person or an aspirant or contestant for …

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A head-man; commander; commanding officer. The captain of a war-vessel is the oflicer first in command. In the Unlted States …

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castellan ENGLISH

A governor or warden of a castle.

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Charter-House LAW AND LEGAL

Formerly a con-vent of Carthusian monks in London; now a college founded and endowed by Thomas Sutton. Tbe governors of …

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ci-devant ENGLISH

Former; previous; of times gone by; as, a ci-devant governor.

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commandery ENGLISH

A district under the administration of a military commander or governor.

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council ENGLISH

A body of man elected or appointed to constitute an advisory or a legislative assembly; as, a governor's council; a …

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In fact, ln deed, actunlly. This phrase is used to characterize au officer, a government, a past action, or a …

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