"Sassy Bark" is a word in ENGLISH

sassy bark ENGLISH

The bark of a West African leguminous tree
(Erythrophlaeum Guineense, used by the natives as an ordeal poison, and
also medicinally; -- called also mancona bark.

Few words of positivity

Progress always involves risks. You can't steal second base and keep your foot on first.

Frederick B. Wilcox

Laugh your heart out.

A man was in court charged with parking his car in a restricted area. The judge asked if he had anything to say in his defense. "They shouldn't put up such misleading notices," said the man. "It said FINE FOR PARKING HERE."

anchored ENGLISH

Held by an anchor; at anchor; held safely; as, an anchored bark; also, shaped like an anchor; forked; as, an …

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balálkan - (H) A receptacle for powdered mangrove-bark (tungúg) called balók, which see. Also: Toddy or palm-wine fresh from the …

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balók - Powdered mangrove bark, put into toddy to make it ferment. Also used as a verb. Ang tungúg ginabalók …

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balunus CEBUANO

balúnus n {1} k. o. forest liana, the bark of which is used as shampoo: Entada phaseolides. {2} name also …

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The linden or lime tree, sometimes wrongly called whitewood; also, its bark, which is used for making mats. See Bast.

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ln old English law, a sheepfold; also a place where the bark of trees was laid to tan

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bergmeal ENGLISH

An earthy substance, resembling fine flour. It is composed of the shells of infusoria, and in Lapland and Sweden is …

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betulin ENGLISH

A substance of a resinous nature, obtained from the outer bark of the common European birch (Betula alba), or from …

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breadfruit ENGLISH

The tree itself, which is one of considerable size, with large, lobed leaves. Cloth is made from the bark, and …

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cascarilla ENGLISH

A euphorbiaceous West Indian shrub (Croton Eleutheria); also, its aromatic bark.

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cinchonidine ENGLISH

One of the quinine group of alkaloids, found especially in red cinchona bark. It is a white crystalline substance, C19H22N2O, …

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coyote ENGLISH

A carnivorous animal (Canis latrans), allied to the dog, found in the western part of North America; -- called also …

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decorticator ENGLISH

A machine for decorticating wood, hulling grain, etc.; also, an instrument for removing surplus bark or moss from fruit trees.

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extract ENGLISH

A decoction, solution, or infusion made by drawing out from any substance that which gives it its essential and characteristic …

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fraxin ENGLISH

A colorless crystalline substance, regarded as a glucoside, and found in the bark of the ash (Fraxinus) and along with …

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guidguid ENGLISH

A South American ant bird of the genus Hylactes; -- called also barking bird.

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A plant of the genus Cannabis (C. sativa), the fibrous skin or bark of which is used for making cloth …

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hornbeam ENGLISH

A tree of the genus Carpinus (C. Americana), having a smooth gray bark and a ridged trunk, the wood being …

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jamaicine ENGLISH

An alkaloid said to be contained in the bark of Geoffroya inermis, a leguminous tree growing in Jamaica and Surinam; …

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kinnikinic ENGLISH

Prepared leaves or bark of certain plants; -- used by the Indians of the Northwest for smoking, either mixed with …

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