"Saralikwon" is a word in HILIGAYNON

saralikwon HILIGAYNON

saralíkwon - (B) Dependents, people to
be supported or to be taken care of;
engagement, occupation. (cf. salagúron,
salagurón; libáng, awát).

saraló, A bird that somewhat resembles
the kingfisher.

Few words of positivity

The truth is, I think country music... there's a lot of great people, and just being raised the way a lot of country boys and girls are, hopefully there's just a lot of respect.

Lee Brice

Laugh your heart out.

Q: How many Australians does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: One, but you have to pry him off the sheep first. A: Two - one to say "She'll be right mate" and one to fetch the beers. A: 16. One to change the bulb and 15 to say "Good on yer, mate!"

embryonate ENGLISH

Alt. of Embryonated

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Jus Prabsens LAW AND LEGAL

NS. In the civil law. A present or vested right; a right already completely acquired. Mackeld. Rom. Law, | 191

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lagablab CEBUANO

lagablab (from lablab) a {1} for clothing to be loose so as to be flapping. {2} talking continuously and inconsequentially. …

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estimative ENGLISH

Pertaining to an estimate.

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snail-like ENGLISH

Like or suiting a snail; as, snail-like progress.

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tradition ENGLISH

The act of delivering into the hands of another; delivery.

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pastorale ENGLISH

A kind of dance; a kind of figure used in a dance.

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sárga - To augment, increase, gather new force, add to (one’s troubles, difficulties, etc.). (cf. dúgang, pangindu-gáng).

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sunghit CEBUANO

sunghit, sunghits n booklet in which the words to popular songs are printed. súngì v [A1; a12] for the teeth …

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sandwich ENGLISH

Two pieces of bread and butter with a thin slice of meat, cheese, or the like, between them.

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To work sluggishly or slowly; to plod.

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hemicycle ENGLISH

A half circle; a semicircle.

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polondan, porondan HILIGAYNON

polóndan, poróndan - Also used of persons: thickset, stumpy, pudgy, etc. Daw polóndan siá. He is very stumpy, thickset. (cf. …

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origination ENGLISH

Mode of production, or bringing into being.

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A species of fern (Davallia Canariensis) with a soft, gray, hairy rootstock; -- whence the name.

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syllabist ENGLISH

One who forms or divides words into syllables, or is skilled in doing this.

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To sound as a knell; especially, to toll at a death or funeral; hence, to sound as a warning or …

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