"Sapnut" is a word in CEBUANO

sapnut CEBUANO

sapnut a for a surface to be rough or tacky.
Sapnut ang salug kay nagkabálas, The floor is rough because it is covered with sand.
v [B1; a12] be, become rough or sticky.
Ubang sabun makasapnut (makapasapnut) sa pánit, Some soaps make the skin rough.
Masapnut ang buhuk ug dílì syampúhan, The hair will become sticky if you dont shampoo it.

Few words of positivity

What’s going on?� Ingrid asked. “Listen, nothing bad today, please.� She pulled a chair out and sat down. Faye stared at her and said the words as quickly as she could. “I’m just going to give it to you straight as I can. Mila is a witch.� Ingrid busted out with a laugh. “I wouldn’t call her that,� she said. “That’s a little harsh, isn’t it?� She poured the juice into her glass and took a drink. “What did the brat do this time?� She set her glass down.

Taylor Keys, Double Bubble Boil and Trouble

Laugh your heart out.

Why was the cannibal expelled from school? Because he kept buttering up the teacher.


abúnu n {1} fertilizer. {2} transfusion or infusion. Nagkina-hanglan siyag abúnu kay gisulgan sa dugù, He needs a transfu-sion because …

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apendisitis HILIGAYNON

apendisítis - (Sp. apendicitis) Appendicitis. ápgas, To be difficult of passage, sore of throat, etc. Nagápgas ang íya tutúnlan. His …

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ápgot - To be difficult of passage, as wheels over deep loose sand or through mud, walking through sticky mire, …

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bagól - The skull; any skull-like vessel, as e.g. the rough shell of a coconut opened slightly at the top …

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balákì - To poise, to weigh in the hand, to judge or guess the weight of an object by holding …

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balala CEBUANO

balalà a {1} slow to comprehend. Balà kaáyu siya sa klási, He is very dull in class. {2} very inferior …

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balikwaut CEBUANO

balikwaut a lacking in grace, balance, euphony. Balikwaut pam-ináwun ang litiral kaáyung pagkahúbad, A literal translation lacks euphony. v [B6; …

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balúd - A wave, billow, surge, swell, surf, breaker, comber, beach-comber, ripple; to be ruffled, be a little rough (of …

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banggus CEBUANO

banggus v {1} [A; c1] rub s.t. against a rough surface, but not with great pressure. Magbanggus ku sa kapáyas …

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barághal - Coarse, rough, not fine, not well made or done. Barághal nga pagrára, paghabúl, pagsapíyo, pagtahî, etc. Rough or …

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basag1 Active Verb: magbasag Passive Verb: basagan Definition: 1) broken (adj) 2) to break china, glassware or earthenware accidentally; to …

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basag2 Active Verb: bumasag Passive Verb: basagin Definition: 1) broken (adj) 2) to break china, glassware or earthenware accidentally; to …

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basag3 TAGALOG

basag3 Passive Verb: mabasag Definition: 1) broken (adj) 2) to break china, glassware or earthenware accidentally; to be able to …

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batul a {1} for smooth or soft surfaces to have hard spots. {2} hard, brazen in character. v {1} [B4] …

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bául - Rough, not well made or done, botched, bungled, scamped; to do ——, make ——, perform ——, something—, act—, …

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bigut, bígut v {1} [A; b5] sew s.t. with large, rough stitches. Gibígut (gibigutan) lang íning tapulan ang íyang muskitírung …

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binástos - Rough, uncouth, unpolite, impolite, uncivil, unmannered, coarse, uncultured; mean, low, immodest, indecent, foul, obscene. Binástos nga hámbal, pangulús, …

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byáhi n {1} trip, journey. Bálud tung byahía uy! That was a rough trip. {2} trip, single run of a …

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dádol - (B) To use recklessly, handle without regard or consideration, treat roughly. Gindádol gid lang níya ang bág-o nga …

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dadol-dadol HILIGAYNON

dadól-dádol - (B) Dim. and Freq. of dádol. Ginadadóldádol níya ang káro nga íya ginhulám. He is using roughly the …

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