"Sapantaha" is a word in TAGALOG

sapantaha TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) presumption; suspicion

Few words of positivity

Everyone thinks that the old days were better, or that they were harder, and the modern times are chaotic and complex, or easier all around, but I think people's hearts have always been the same, happy and sad, and that hasn't changed at all. It's just the shapes of lives that change, not the lives themselves.

Brian Doyle, Mink River

Laugh your heart out.

Joe was sitting at a bar. He was totally depressed. The bartender, serving him a drink, asked what was wrong."I'll never understand women" said Joe. "The other night on my birthday, my wife said as my gift, I could do with her what I wanted.""Wow! That's quite some gift" said the bartender. "So why are you so dejected?""Well I thought about it for a while" said Joe, "and decided to send her home to her mother, and now she won't even speak to me!"

conservative ENGLISH

One who desires to maintain existing institutions and customs; also, one who holds moderate opinions in politics; -- opposed to …

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stealer ENGLISH

One who steals; a thief.

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besnow ENGLISH

To scatter like snow; to cover thick, as with snow flakes.

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Indecimable LAW AND LEGAL

In old English law. That which is not tltheable, or liable to pay tithe. 2 Inst 490

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drawbench ENGLISH

A machine in which strips of metal are drawn through a drawplate; especially, one in which wire is thus made; …

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beneficed ENGLISH

Possessed of a benefice or church preferment.

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v. /AG-/ to pull up the lower part of one’s dress: said of women. --var. LUKAIS.

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glonoine ENGLISH

A dilute solution of nitroglycerin used as a neurotic.

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postposition ENGLISH

A word or particle placed after, or at the end of, another word; -- distinguished from preposition.

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Estrepement LAW AND LEGAL

A species of aggra-vated waste, by stripping or devastating the land, to the injury of the reversioner, and especlally pending …

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to-break ENGLISH

To break completely; to break in pieces.

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ari {1} here (near speaker but not near person spoken to). Ari ibutang ang lamísa, Put the table over here. …

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To spread; to expand; as, to open the hand.

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To impair, waste, or diminish, by continual attrition, scraping, percussion, on the like; to consume gradually; to cause to lower …

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brocatello ENGLISH

Same as Brocatel.

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Sax. Before. Fr. out Eel-ham

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