"Sansaw" is a word in HILIGAYNON


sánsaw - Dried and sugared edible seagrass (guláman, aguláman). Powdered
and mixed with water, etc. it makes a
refreshing drink. On account of its
lightness in weight it has become a
synonym for: light, easy, without worry or
trouble, e.g. sánsaw gid ang ákon ólo,
sánsaw na ang íla hunâhúnà, etc. I am
perfectly at ease, they do not worry any
longer, etc.

Few words of positivity

Poetry is jealous of you tonight, for as soon as I come to pen a few words, your perfume attacks me in the most civilised manner and I forget myself. I forget the poem. I forget the ...

Kamand Kojouri

Laugh your heart out.

Sarah was reading a newspaper, while her husband was engrossed in a magazine. Suddenly, she burst out laughing. "Listen to this," she said. "There's a classified ad here where aguy is offering to swap his wife for a season ticket to the stadium." "Hmmm," her husband said, not looking up from his magazine. Teasing him, Sarah said, "Would you swap me for a season ticket?" "Absolutely not," he said. "How sweet," Sarah said. "Tell me why not." "Season's more than half over," he said.

subindicate ENGLISH

To indicate by signs or hints; to indicate imperfectly.

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kagírang - A kind of tree. The juice of its leaves is used as a remedy for decaying teeth.

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carpeting ENGLISH

Cloth or materials for carpets; carpets, in general.

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lupóg - Lame, crippled, halt, maimed; to become lame, etc. Naglupóg si Fuláno. N.N. has gone lame (cf. piáng).

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struck ENGLISH

imp. & p. p. of Strike.

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of tlie goods not administered, when ant administrator is appointed to succeed an-other, who has left the estate partially un-settlcd, …

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fleshquake ENGLISH

A quaking or trembling of the flesh; a quiver.

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suób - To dress, dress in, don, assume—, put on—, a garment, to vest in. Súb-a (isuób) ang kamiséta mo. …

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grammatical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to grammar; of the nature of grammar; as, a grammatical rule.

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clerical ENGLISH

Of or relating to a clerk or copyist, or to writing.

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foresighted ENGLISH

Sagacious; prudent; provident for the future.

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kuha-kuha HILIGAYNON

kuhâ-kuhâ - (B) Fool, ass, simpleton. (cf. kolôkolô, etc.).

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appeal ENGLISH

A call upon a person or an authority for proof or decision, in one's favor; reference to another as witness; …

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propose ENGLISH

To set before one's self or others as a purpose formed; hence, to purpose; to intend.

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ághò - A small tree much used for fences.

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The main mass or body; the largest or principal portion; the majority; as, the bulk of a debt.

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dewberry ENGLISH

The fruit of certain species of bramble (Rubus); in England, the fruit of R. caesius, which has a glaucous bloom; …

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tomcat ENGLISH

A male cat, especially when full grown or of large size.

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