"Sandalwood" is a word in ENGLISH

sandalwood ENGLISH

Any tree of the genus Santalum, or a tree which yields

sandalwood ENGLISH

The highly perfumed yellowish heartwood of an East
Indian and Polynesian tree (Santalum album), and of several other trees
of the same genus, as the Hawaiian Santalum Freycinetianum and S.
pyrularium, the Australian S. latifolium, etc. The name is extended to
several other kinds of fragrant wood.

sandalwood ENGLISH

The red wood of a kind of buckthorn, used in Russia for
dyeing leather (Rhamnus Dahuricus).

Few words of positivity

Long live protest songs, in whatever form they take.

David Levithan, Wide Awake

Laugh your heart out.

What would Economics be without assumptions?Accounting

santalum ENGLISH

A genus of trees with entire opposite leaves and small apetalous flowers. There are less than a dozen species, occurring …

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