"Samuk" is a word in CEBUANO


sámuk a {1} bothersome.
Sámuk kaáyu ning batáa nga gal-mun kay kanúnayng mangáyù ug túbig, This child is a nuisance to take care of because hes constantly asking for water.
{2} crowded and chaotic with activity.
Sámuk kaáyu ang Tabuan ug malúnis, Taboan market is very busy on Mondays.
Sámuk kaáyu ang upisína kay namalhin mi, The o?
ce is in an uproar now because we just moved.
v [A; a] disturb, bother.
Latiguhan ang bisag kinsay musámuk dinhi, Ill whip anybody that makes noise here.
Dúna kuy isámuk nímu kadiyut, I have a favor to ask of you (lit.
to disturb you with).
n {1} fight, distur-bance.
Dinhay sámuk sa ámung klási; nagsumbagay, There was trouble in the class.
was fighting.
{2} that which bothers, annoys.
Maáyu puy-an sa búkid kay way sámuk, The country is a nice place to live because there are no annoyances.
ka- n {1} trouble, bother.
Ang ímung pagkapalahúbug makahatag ug dílì gamayng kasámuk, Your drinking causes us no end of trouble.
{2} war, esp.
the Second World War.
Natáwu siya sa miáging kasámuk, He was born during the recent war.
-an() a given to causing trouble or giving inconvenience.
-in() a endearing way of referring to s.
that is troublesome.
Samukin giyung bat-ána, This kid is a cute little troublemaker.


sámuk -in-() v [A; a12] be bothersome.
Dì mu magsinamuk ug náay bisíta, Dont be bothersome when there are visitors around.
sinamuksamuk = -in-.


samúk n k.
fish: Gerres spp.

Few words of positivity

If you promote peace and progress for others, I don’t think you will have sleepless nights.

Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Frontpage: Leadership Insights from 21 Martin Luther King Jr. Thoughts

Laugh your heart out.

An English teacher asked her class to write an essay on what they'd do if they had a million dollars. Alec handed in a blank sheet of paper. 'Alec !' yelled the teacher, 'you've done nothing. Why?''Because if I had a million dollars, that's exactly what I would do !'

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