"Sampalung" is a word in CEBUANO

sampalung CEBUANO

sampalung v [A; a2b2] slap s.
in the face.
Sampalungun ku nang mutsatsáha ug dílì mutúug sugúun, I will slap that maid if she does not do what shes told to do.
n {1} slap in the face.
{2} an act or situation causing deep embarrassment.

Few words of positivity

I doubt if I have made the best use of all my calamities. Soft, amiable natures they would have refined to saintliness; of strong, evil spirits they would have made demons; as for me, I have only been a woe-struck and selfish woman.

Charlotte Brontë, Villette

Laugh your heart out.

Where do Danish cows come from? Cowpenhagenf


bakas Active Verb: bumakas Definition: 1) print, mark, trace (noun) 2) to mark or leave a mark; to leave a …

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buffet ENGLISH

A blow with the hand; a slap on the face; a cuff.

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dapiyu CEBUANO

dapíyu v [AN; a1b2] slap or strike s. o. heavily on the face or head. Hidapyuhan ta man kag dì …

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kámias - Tap, light stroke, gentle slap; to tap, slap, strike with the finger-tips. Kamiasá ang íya ilóng. Tap his …

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kurti n {1} measure of cloth cut in advance. Tagpíla man ang kurti íning karsunisúna? How much is this pant, …

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labhà v {1} [ABN; b4] for the skin to get welts, bruises, or red splotches; cause it to do so. …

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lágpì - To rap, flip, fillip, strike or slap with the finger-tips or in any similar way. Si nánay naglágpì …

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lapiki CEBUANO

lapikì n repeated, sharp smacking sounds. v [A; c] make a smacking sound. Milapikì ang íyang nawung pagtamparus nákù, Her …

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pákà n loud cracking sound like that of guns, wood cracking, slapping sound. v {1} [A] make a cracking sound. …

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palù v [A; ab2] hit, slap in punishment. Paluun ku ang ímung nawung, I will slap your face. Hipaluan siya …

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sagpà v [A; a2b2] slap, strike the face with the open palm. mu rag gi-ug wala deeply insulted (as if …

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sampal CEBUANO

sampal v [A; a1b2] slap s. o. with the hand on any part of the body, but esp. the face. …

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sampal TAGALOG

sampal Active Verb: manampal Passive Verb: sampalin Definition: (verb) to slap on the face 2 Definition: Notes: Examples: 1) Huwag …

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samparing CEBUANO

samparing humorous pronunciation of sampaling slap in the face in imitation of Japanese soldiers. sampay v {1} [A; c] hang …

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tagasák - A slap, a clap; to slap, resound (as a blow struck with something flat). Ang íya mga kamót …

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tampaling CEBUANO

tampaling v [A; ab2] slap the face. Walà kay katungud mutam-paling nákù, You had no right to slap me in …

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tamparus CEBUANO

tamparus v {1} [A12; c1] do s.t. hurriedly and carelessly. Ug tamparusun (itamparus) ninyu pagtáud ang bungbung man- gatangtang lang …

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tarà v {1} [A; cP] put s.t. where it is easy to get at, can easily be hit. Mitarà siya …

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tubag v {1} [A; a1c6] answer. Akuy mutubag sa pangutána, Ill answer the question. Tubaga ang nangutána, Answer the per-son …

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wingig CEBUANO

wíngig a deflected, crooked line or row. v {1} [B; c1] for a line to be deflected. Muwíngig (mawíngig) ang …

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